
Jul 19, 2011 08:39

[Anybody who's out by the bridge might notice a long-legged young lady sitting on its edge, smiling contemplatively at the sinister-looking waters below. Anybody not out by the bridge will see the barest glimpse of those same long legs thanks to the watch sitting on the rail beside her and broadcasting the object of her attentions;

Down at the ( Read more... )

[npc] tim lear, c: kyouya ootori, c: sha gojyo, c: jack vessalius, c: aradia megido, c: rufus shinra, [npc] dil blackwood, c: switzerland

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Comments 92

[Permanent Action] timlear_npc July 19 2011, 13:29:34 UTC
[Tim is having all too much fun with this, and cares naught that his antics are being broadcast. Once he fills one barrel, he caps it and lifts it over his head in a show of abnormal strength, before placing it at the water's edge.

He himself? Soaked head to foot in only partially clad glory. If you're going swimming you don't need shirts.

He shifts, his body twisting so he can grin toothily up at the woman on the bridge. The expression, for some reason, doesn't quite fit on his face. It simply looks more sinister than friendly, as it might have been intended.]


dilblackwoodnpc July 19 2011, 13:42:36 UTC
[Dil chuckles, smiling fondly down at her companion with a good-natured shake of her head.]

Honestly, Tim, you're never going to get anything done like that.

[Tilting her head, she arches a brow in consideration.]

Though I must say, I rather fancy you in red.


timlear_npc July 19 2011, 13:51:29 UTC
[Get done? Who cares about getting done. This is about fun, to him.]

....HahahahahHaHaHaHAHA. [the blonde man climbs out of the water gracefully, only to perch unnaturally still atop the rim of one of the barrels. His pants drip the ruby red of the river, obviously soaked through and thoroughly stained.]

Done is done when it happens. That's all, not before or after. [At the compliment though he looks at his pants.]

They're wet. [But pretty! ...acceptable.]


dilblackwoodnpc July 19 2011, 13:59:22 UTC
Mm, fair enough. Disjointed as ever though it may be, I certainly can't fault your logic. Done is done when done is done... And in the interim, the process is just as much fun to watch as the results will be.

[Dil kicks her legs idly, head still tilted as she looks over his handiwork.]

How many is that now... Six? Six here won't do us any good... How do you feel about, say, the clock tower? Doesn't that sound fun? Wouldn't you like that?


[Perma-Action] neutralbyforce July 19 2011, 16:09:27 UTC
...May I ask what you're up to?

[Vash has been out walking. He can't think of anything else to do with himself. It's easier to not think at all. This seems like as welcome a distraction as any. This woman... Something about her bearing makes him a bit suspicious.]


dilblackwoodnpc July 19 2011, 16:14:11 UTC
[Dil doesn't move at all--She knew you were coming, young man, and anticipated your query.] You may indeed. Asking's free, after all, though perhaps occasionally imprudent.

[Now she inclines her head to look up, smiling politely.]

I am sitting.


neutralbyforce July 19 2011, 16:27:27 UTC
[Vash sits on the bridge next to her, glancing down at the odd scene below.]

Indeed you are. Perhaps I should clarify. What are you doing with those barrels and the river water? I believe it's been proven that it's not good for much.

[His tone is neutral and with little inflection; it's almost as if he doesn't really care one way or another and is simply following some preset course of action.]


dilblackwoodnpc July 19 2011, 16:34:05 UTC
Ah, has it indeed? Who proved that, I wonder?

[She turns to watch the nation over her shoulder, a wry smile quirking at the corner of her lips.]

If you find it so useless though, then I imagine you won't mind what gets done with it.


[Video] fearmongering July 19 2011, 23:49:48 UTC
Is that so?

[He has watched Tim's actions up until the point where the video shuts off, because Rufus ShinRa never goes into anything unprepared.

At least, not without a backup plan.]


[Video] dilblackwoodnpc July 20 2011, 03:19:34 UTC
Mm, so it is.

[Dil turns a feline smirk on her watch as she scoops it into her hand to regard it directly.]

Though I'm sure you might take a different view, Mister President, before all's said and done... Not fond of somebody else pulling the strings, you.


[Video] fearmongering July 21 2011, 20:01:49 UTC
I try to make it as hard on you as possible.

[His words are teasing, but they are true. Much more so now that his personal crisis of Geostigma had been taken care of.]


[Video] dilblackwoodnpc July 21 2011, 22:21:33 UTC
Rude of you.

[She's chuckling, though, as she arches one sleek brow at Rufus over the feed.]

One might think the more prudent strategist might opt for a more prudent approach... One catches more flies with honey than with vinegar, after all.


[video] arisenaradia July 20 2011, 02:53:52 UTC
Antiques provide a good insight on the past. Not everyone has been graced with time powers, you see - and even so.


[Video] dilblackwoodnpc July 20 2011, 03:22:42 UTC
Insight, indeed? I suppose they do at that. Alas, though, insight... Insight, we have more than enough of. I have no need for antiques.

[Sky-blue eyes turn to the watch's screen, but seem to look straight through; The effect is an alarming one even over the communicator.]

I've seen enough.


[Video] arisenaradia July 20 2011, 20:37:01 UTC
Perhaps we are different in that way; I do find antiques very interesting, all things considered.

[ That look does cause some inward discomfort, however she stares right back, smiling. ]

Where do you draw the line between wanting to see more and having seen enough? Few know what the past enclosed and fewer know what the future awaits.

But that's my opinion.


[Video] dilblackwoodnpc July 20 2011, 21:12:05 UTC
Oh, I imagine we differ in more ways than that... But I never said they didn't interest me. Things can be interesting, even if they are indeed otherwise useless. I wonder if that's reason enough to keep them, though. What do you think-- Interested as you are, after all?


[Action] bound_by_this July 20 2011, 04:14:58 UTC
[He'd been out a little later for his scavenging of parts to be used for his project but he thinks it's been well-worth the time. Now he's about to cross the bridge when he sees the figure sitting there along its ledge.]

Oh, do be careful there!


oops, sorry Jack you get to play with this one. timlear_npc July 20 2011, 14:11:06 UTC
[Oh no you don't. Though the movements are unseen, he picks up a rock and slings it rather accurately to whiz past Jack's nose dangerously close.

From the water's edge, Tim watches the blonde, his fingers playing over a couple of other stones.]

We're busy. busybusybusy.


XD XD bound_by_this July 20 2011, 16:54:48 UTC
[There's a gasp as Jack jerks his head back reflexively- but if Tim hadn't purposely aimed to miss, it might not have been guaranteed it would have been dodged.

Only then does Jack turn his head to look towards the river's edge and finally notice the other there. He manages to keep from frowning, instead stepping over to the end of the bridge to peer around it at Tim.]

Ah, am I interrupting something? Terribly sorry, but...

[Well, why anyone would want to play in that water is beyond him.]


timlear_npc July 23 2011, 11:07:42 UTC
[Tim tilts his head to the side, much like a dog would do when it's trying to understand human words it can't comprehend. However, Tim grins soon after the motion, a sharp, tooth filled expression.]

We're working.

You're the one that plays with Chari.


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