
Jul 11, 2011 16:45

[When the video clicks on, it's initially obscured by a wide stripe of something pale and viscous enough to blur the view considerably--All that really indicates who the feed belongs to is the voice, at least at first.]So uhmm... So I was gonna try and make a picnic lunch, on account of how nice it is outside today. I thought it might be kinda cool ( Read more... )

c: america, c: hidan, unit 202, c: switzerland

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Comments 52

[Action] blade_of_jashin July 11 2011, 21:53:00 UTC
What sweet hell is this?! What have you done to the kitchen, wumman?!

[Hidan is standing in the doorway, cigarette dangling from his lips, and ripping several clips from his hair. The clips distract him from the mess, and he grumbles about 'shit people do to him while he's sleeping' not that he can much remember sleeping, which is clear from the dark circles under his eyes. His shoulders are slumped, hair a mess, and he has the posture of someone who just doesn't give a damn. Hell, even his voice sounds different, holding a sort of gruffness that Hidan just didn't have normally]


[Action] unit_202 July 11 2011, 22:00:21 UTC
[Rowan jumps at the gruff voice rather than at Hidan's presence itself, turning to smile sheepishly at him over her shoulder.]

I, ah... I was gonna... make a picnic? Y'know? For takin' outside to eat?

[Attempting puppy eyes in 3...2...1...]

I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make a mess...!


[Action forevahs] blade_of_jashin July 11 2011, 22:10:16 UTC
Figures. Tch, what did you want to make? [He irritably runs a hand through his hair, and makes his way to the counter. Damned if he's going to let puppy eyes work on him.]

I'm too damn hungover for this... [His head is killing him, though, he doesn't remember drinking.]


unit_202 July 11 2011, 23:18:41 UTC
Awww! You gonna help me, Hidan? Really? You're so sweet...

[And cue a quick, messy hug from the batter-smeared blonde as she passes by on her way to the sink.]

I don't really know what-all I was aimin' for... Just picnic-y stuff, y'know? Muffins, maybe, or somethin' like that...


[Video] dogoftheempire July 11 2011, 23:05:28 UTC
[New England's face pops onto the feed. He looks like America, but for the black collar around his neck and the red jacket he tugs at one arm of, straightening it. He looks friendly, certainly.]

I'm not bad at cookin'. Wha' do ya want to make?


[Video] unit_202 July 11 2011, 23:20:03 UTC
Oh! Well, hiya!

[Rowan looks just as friendly, if not more so, turning a bright smile on her freshly-cleaned watch's display.]

I dunno, I was thinkin' like... Maybe muffins might be nice? Muffins are good for picnickin', right?


[Video] dogoftheempire July 12 2011, 00:02:50 UTC
Oh yeah, muffins are nice for picnickin'!

Hmm, an' yer havin' it wit' someone ya want to impress? Then I'd suggest goin' wit' juices - apple, orange an' cranberry can go well wit' muffins - or perhaps some red wine, if he's the type for it. Miniature sandwiches, maybe some small cookies...

...did ya jus' want advice, or actual help?


[Video] unit_202 July 12 2011, 00:42:58 UTC

[She pauses in her mental note-taking--juice, got it. Sandwiches, can do. Probably. Wait, cookies? Wine? What?--to glance around the ruin that used to be her perfectly nice kitchen, then looks back at her watch with a sheepish smile.]

...I might maybe need some actual help. But don't go out of your way or nothin'! I wouldn't want you to inconvenience yourself on my account.


[Video] neutralbyforce July 11 2011, 23:06:46 UTC
[For his part, Vash is grinning widely, his eyes sparkling with pure love for his silly werewolf.]

Rowan, you wonderful and beautiful woman, you went through all that for me? My love, I don't care what we do as long as I get to be with you. We can go swimming in rivers of blood for all I care-- which we've done, though I'm still not entirely sure why.

[He chuckles, reaching up to wipe the sweat from his forehead. The nation is currently perched on the roof to his new domicile wearing nothing but heavy pants and boots. His gloves, recently shed, are draped across one bare shoulder.]

Obviously I need to shower first, but then we can meet up and do whatever your heart desires-- Unless you'd like to take one with me?

[Come to think of it, why haven't they done that before? If "blood river" was on the schedule, how did they miss the inevitable clean up session afterwards? He was already madly in love with her by that point, though it would take him a while to say anything... Which was another thing that confused him ( ... )


[Video] unit_202 July 11 2011, 23:26:35 UTC

[Rowan's reply is slow in coming, engaged as she is with a dreamy staring session in reaction to the sight of her Vash, all bare-chested and sweaty and...]

Oh! Oh, hee... If I'd'a known there'd be an offer like that on the table, I wouldn't have showered this morning! [Not that it matters now, of course, not now that she's spattered in muffin-batter and God knows what else.] Shower if you think you've gotta shower, but I'm not gonna lie--The sooner you're here with me, the better. It's gotta be, what...Like 12 whole hours already since I saw you! [And that? That was not sarcasm. This girl is legitimately distraught by that revelation.] Ohmygosh what was I even thinking? Stupid muffins...


[Video --> Action] neutralbyforce July 11 2011, 23:42:31 UTC
[His grin widens some more. No, he actually didn't respond in this state just because he wanted her to drool, but hey-- if it works.]

Has it been that long? Then to hell with the shower, you'll just have to deal with my stench.

[Clicking off the feed, Vash nimbly climbs back down the ladder, snagging his shirt on the way, and races off without putting it on. It's the thought that counts, right?

He doesn't bother knocking, instead walking straight in to sweep Rowan up in his arms and give her a passionate (and very French) kiss.]

I was wondering why the sun had forgotten to shine today; it's obviously because you were too busy baking to wake it up with your gorgeous smile, my love.

[Complete with cheesy lines, too.]


[And what action it is!] unit_202 July 12 2011, 00:40:26 UTC
[Her squeal of delight is of course cut short by the kiss, but she's more than happy to return it with just as much passion--and then another, complete with a little bite of his lower lip, in response to that cheesiness.]

The sun's shinin' plenty, you silly... Or did you just not notice, on account of how much hotter than it you are?

[Oh yes, she'll see your lame lines and raise, Vash, and grin the whole time.]

Been havin' fun without me, hm?


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