Jul 11, 2011 16:45
[When the video clicks on, it's initially obscured by a wide stripe of something pale and viscous enough to blur the view considerably--All that really indicates who the feed belongs to is the voice, at least at first.]
So uhmm... So I was gonna try and make a picnic lunch, on account of how nice it is outside today. I thought it might be kinda cool to just hang out and enjoy the weather, y'know? But--Oh, oops!
[She's apparently noticed the smear now, and the feed is briefly even more blurry and disorienting as the watch is picked up, turned on its side and quickly wiped clean with what reveals itself to be the hem of its owner's foodstuff-spattered t-shirt. Once it's clean, it's raised up to face-level with the grinning girl responsible.]
There we go! Much better. Anyhow, what I was tryin' to say is that I was gonna make lunch, right? Only, uh... Turns out I'm...Not real great at the whole cookin' thing? SO. How's about this... Do any of you know what you're doin' in the kitchen? I could really use a couple'a pointers, 'cause uhm... I'm sure not gonna impress anybody tryin' it myself. I'd really appreciate the help.
And, hey, that bein' said... Vash, I'm sorry to've ruined the surprise and all, but I'd still love to see you... What do you say we maybe go and... I don't know, grab a bite somewhere else? Or even just go for a walk, maybe? I don't know, it's dumb and all, but I just thought it might be nice.
[Clearing her throat abruptly, she makes a quick and deliberate change from a smile that all but spells out 'painfully obvious puppy-love' to one that's a bit more generically-perky.]
...Anyhow, that's really only one suggestion, but I'm open to whatever else's on the table! How do you guys have fun in the sun where you're from? No sense wasting the good weather, right? Let me know what's up!
[Waving cheerily to the camera, she moves to cut the feed... Only to fumble and drop the watch straight into a bowl of some ambiguous cream-colored batter. Mercifully, her response--A rather vile curse word--Is cut off halfway through as the device is submerged entirely.
c: america,
c: hidan,
unit 202,
c: switzerland