The Doctor : Trip 001 :

Jul 11, 2011 18:21

[The feed clicks on first to reveal a glowing green thing in the screen before a man with slightly mussed dark brown hair that seems to eat his eyebrows. He’s looking the device over very carefully before realizing it’s on.]

Oh! Hullo all!

[he pulls the watch away just enough so everyone can get a good look at his awesome bowtie. Because bowties are cool.]

The sonic detected some sort of network- network means people... of sorts. I didn’t think she’d open a communication with the network- oh but never mind that. I have more pressing matters to be concerned with.

[He offers a kind smile before getting down to business]

Can anyone tell me when the train will be along again? I’ve left my- very important thing on board and I’ll need to get it back.

c: lezard valeth, the doctor (11), c: alice liddell, c: kyouya ootori, c: john egbert, c: switzerland

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