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Comments 94

[Video/Action] watching_seven May 6 2011, 03:06:53 UTC
[Another restless night. It wasn't so much the events from two days ago as it was his attempts at sleep were plagued by dreams borne from memories. They weren't frightening, but they were bittersweet, and always left him waking in tears.

It had been a long time since he'd had such dreams, and it made the mage wonder why they'd resurfaced. Now he sat by the window, staring at what he could see of the sky. His hands turned the watch over and over in his hands, thumb finally fumbling, and he would have just as soon closed it again, had not he heard that familiar voice speak up.]


[Did he imagine it, just now?]

That sounded like.... Xion...?


[Action/Video] seasaltblues May 6 2011, 03:39:22 UTC
[She might not have caught onto the voice immediately had it not been for the matter that she was certain that she had heard her name being called. And that? That had her looking around rapidly with searching eyes, hand clutching the watch tighter which Maciel would be able to see with the way more of the screen was blocked out.]

Who... No, maybe I was just hearing things... [Her words uncertain and slightly strained. Who in this world would know her?]


[Video/Action] watching_seven May 6 2011, 04:01:32 UTC
[It was, it had to be! Maciel's standing now, but he hasn't any idea what he'd do otherwise. The children were asleep after all, as they should be, being that it was so late.]

Xion? Is... ...you're back? [He reluctantly sets the watch down for a moment, if only to quickly pull on his usual outerwear over his pajamas. Picking up the watch again, he tries to make out anything on the tiny screen.]

....ah, it's so dark...

[The young mage steps towards the door, pausing to look back over his shoulder. Oops. Caught.] -N-Naata??

... )


[Video/Action] seasaltblues May 6 2011, 04:11:32 UTC
[There it was. Her name again. The voice, she wasn't quite sure if she knew it- was hard to judge if that was the case because her hand had succeeded in muffling the audio although it seemed that she had finally picked up on the source of the sound now because the next thing he would see. Well, at least if he was still looking. Would be the sight of the girl, face obscured by her hood. Her voice alone hinted enough in her confusion though.]


[The voice... had been coming from it?] -A-Ah...! [She touched the side of her head lightly as it began to throb slightly.

...Naata? Why did that name seem familiar, too...?]


video. resolvetolive May 6 2011, 03:13:18 UTC
[He should be sleeping, he knows this. It's hard to adjust though, having been thrown back into his world and then being brought back here under only the span of a few weeks. Turning in bed, he sits up when he knows he's not going to be down for awhile - moving around, he looks over to the watch, catches the current feed. Breath caught in his throat, he leans in, surprised, but happy.

It stops when she talks, and well.. Hope tries to make himself scarce.]

... H-Hello?


video. seasaltblues May 6 2011, 03:53:44 UTC
[Seemed like he wasn't the only one in the let's-go-back-home-for-a-while club then. Although this one was a more recent arrival... and a little more on the listless and clueless side if the stumble was any indication. Give or take, she had heard Maciel by now, but it was still something to get used to, this watch.

Tugging on her hood to make sure it was properly in place, she peered down at the watch's face with a wary glance.] Who... Who are you?

[The voice. It was vaguely familiar. And the face, too. But just... not quite clicking. Just out of reach. Just like with Maciel. And it was making her feel a little sick.]


video. resolvetolive May 6 2011, 05:14:00 UTC
[At the question, he almost looks hurt but... He perseveres, masks that look with a smile as he leans back and offers the smallest of waves.] I'm Hope, you don't remember me?

[Brows furrowed, he shakes his head.] You need help?


video. seasaltblues May 6 2011, 05:57:07 UTC
Hope... [She took a moment to test the name, comb through her memories. But with how fuzzy they were at the moment, it seemed like a useless act in the end. A slow shake of her head. All of this was so vexing.] Sorry. I... [She trailed off then as his next inquire hit and...]

I... I'll be alright. [Her tone betrayed her, but alas.] ...What is this place?


(The comment has been removed)

[Video] seasaltblues May 6 2011, 04:37:11 UTC
[Another voice. Another familiar voice. Who knew her name. Why... Why were all these people? Why did they know...? She had never experienced so many headaches in her existence, she was pretty certain. Not able to hide the grimace that befit her even if she had wanted to. Not that much of her face could be seen from under her hood as she found herself looking to it once more. She was pretty certain she had tried to click it off before.... At least until she could properly get herself settled after a few shocking surprises from before.

But that voice... The familiarity. The softness. Undeniably with a slight sense of urgency. And another... Another claim to...]

...Brought back? ...Maciel- [The name came off unfamiliar in her tone although there was this inkling that she had once spoken it before with ease.] -said something like that. [She studied the young man on the other side of the feed carefully.] You... You knew me, too, then?


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[Video] seasaltblues May 6 2011, 06:50:53 UTC
[The way he looked to her... Something definitely sunk within her. Made her bite her lip and look away from the watch. Although she still kept her attention. She couldn't really deny it even if she had wanted to. This was someone else... someone else that recognized her. One, she would have thought was just someone playing games with her. But not only him but Macial, Naata, Hope... The list was extending and that combined with her gut instinct...]

I... I see... [There was nothing else she could really compel herself to say to his first statement. What... What could she say to that? Sorry she had vanished? Although a trap... That seemed... Why was that...?

But before she could dwell on it further, he was speaking again. Noting his name. Firion. She winced as she heard it, finally looking back to him. Studying him. That expression of his alone was making her head throb slightly... but still nothing. Still, as defeated as he was... He was offering his help? Surprising... and yet not so ( ... )


[Video] loyalraven May 6 2011, 17:15:52 UTC
[Gilbert is a little out of town at the moment, since for once that's actually possible. But he's kept an ear to the communicator just in case Ada got kidnapped or Alice ate someone or Jack got caught into a tree or Elliot ticked off the wrong person. He wasn't expecting this voice. And it's a rather uncertain voice that speaks.] "Xion?"


[Video] ...Ah-haha~ Dawn, ILU. seasaltblues May 6 2011, 17:49:08 UTC
[Oh, yeah. Wouldn't want anything to happen to those four. Seriously, they're all trouble magnets of one form or another.

...Wait, hadn't she turned off the watch? How in the worlds did... Don't mind her, Gilbert. Meeting all these people that she felt she should know yet was kinda-maybe-not-so-certain-yet-trying-to-believe-she-hadn't-otherwise-and-failing was just a little on the overwhelming side. Which might have explained why it had taken her a little longer to get back to him, time prolonged a little further by each contact. Finally though, she did get herself to look at it. Her hood was up- Seemed like her coat had been repaired. And when she spoke, her voice was distant yet curious.]

...So, you knew me, too. [It wasn't a question at least this time. But that didn't splotch the slight wariness.]


[Video] ...8D loyalraven May 7 2011, 00:19:37 UTC
[It's Gilbert's lot in life, really.

But he looks a bit confused at what she says, brow furrowing slightly. So she's been returned without her memories. It's not the first time, but still, it's... He nods a bit.] I did. We are... were... friends.


[Video] SUDEENLY. It all makes sense now. I mean what. seasaltblues May 7 2011, 01:08:57 UTC
[It's okay, Gil. Things could be worse. ...Maybe.

The way he looked to her. But more specifically, the way he changed the words around from present to past tense. It made something in her twist and she held the watch away from her a moment.] ...Were... I guess. I guess that would be... [Right. But why did it hurt when he pronounced it like that? Just like it had with Maciel and Hope and Firion. And now this man, too.]


[Video] asapphireheart May 6 2011, 21:52:29 UTC
Xion? Is that you? You're talking so quietly.

[Worry, worry, worry.]


[Video] seasaltblues May 7 2011, 01:21:25 UTC
[For a moment, she considering not even looking at her watch again. So many people that knew her name. So many that a quiet part of her felt she should have known. Finally glimpsing down at the watch with a divided expression. Though most of it remained yet obscured by her hood.

Awkwardly.] ...It's me.


[Video] asapphireheart May 7 2011, 01:51:28 UTC
Are you okay? Do you want me to come to the station?


[Video] seasaltblues May 8 2011, 15:32:18 UTC
[This person... She sounded so worried, too. So many people that seemed so concerned for her. It was so strange. Back in the Organization, the only people that had cared about her had been Axel and Roxas. It... Honestly, all this kind of felt like a dream.

Taking in a careful breath. A-Ah... Her head, how it still throbbed.]

...Yeah, I'm. Well, no! I'm not at the station anymore. I-I'll be alright though. Just... [Looking off screen.] Sorry, but.... If we've met before...


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