[Action/Accidental Video] წ First Reprieve

May 05, 2011 22:31


[The ride was nostalgic, really. From the soft thundering of the wheels hustling against the rails, the clutter of the train shaking rhythmically, drawing its own lullaby which might have prompted her to fall back into the unconscious world with her glazed eyes and at-first vacant thoughts. To the cool, calming window she rested her head upon. It was okay like this. Peaceful even. But as a dapple of sunlight had hit the train, she was finally prompted to look outside. That had been the first time when it really hit her. That there was just something familiar about this place. And something about it, too. A pull of feeling between. Belonging yet not. Because she had- and she winced at the very thought -returned. Returned and... Was this? Was this what had awaited her?

When the train finally stopped, it took her a while. But eventually, she found herself following her uneven footing out of the train car and out onto the station platform. From there though... Everything seemed so alien. The city itself so alive. Strange people from a world she didn't know walking along about the streets. Giving her a passing glance perhaps before moving on about her business. While first instinct was to tuck her hood up and finding a way to somewhere less occupied, at the same time, she didn't find herself immediately threatened. Still, she made for the former at least. Ducking into the motion of the street. Setting out to explore.]

[Accidental Video - A few hours later (approximately midnight)]

[All the viewer would be able to see is a sideways view, partly obscured by... something. It was so close, it was hard to see what, but a little bit of imagination in the way the image swung slightly might hint that they were the owner's fingers. Black gloved. The owner themselves? Wasn't distinguishable otherwise. What they could see though if they looked well and good enough and had learned the city was that it was the street near the market district, stalls seen shuffling by as the bearer of the watch took slow, thoughtful steps. A voice finally spoke up, echoing that whimsical stride. Quiet. Careful. And distant if only because the watch was held so far from the speaker.]

What is this place...? It's no where I've been before...

(ooc: EDITED THE CRAP OUT OF THIS. L-LOL This is what happens when Jodie is out of the loop. Now fitting the setting. /o/)

c: maciel, c: naoki kashima, xion

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