Twelfth Chain Link ☆ Video

Mar 16, 2011 12:20

[The feed opens up, strangely enough, to a bathroom and a particularly thin frame leaning over the sink counter. Surrounding her on the surface of the vanity is some draped black clothing that looks suspiciously like an Organization coat - particularly Xion's - various different kinds of makeup and removers, and... a box of black hair dye and ( Read more... )

c: kairi, namine, c: gilbert nightray, c: xion

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VIDEO. rewritethesky March 16 2011, 18:19:41 UTC
Oh, Kairi.

[She shrugs and turns back to the mirror, putting on some lip gloss this time.] What does it look like? Putting on make-up.


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VIDEO. rewritethesky March 16 2011, 23:37:21 UTC
[Just blinking right back at Kairi, rather dumbfounded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.]

Uh, cause I wanted to?

I appreciate the compliment greatly, but I mean, seriously, is putting on some make up really that much of an issue here?


seasaltblues March 16 2011, 18:09:29 UTC
[Fortunately... or unfortunately. One of the two, but either way, Xion hadn't quite left the apartment yet. She caught a bit of the video, but it was only really the last half. Though what really caught her attention more was the sound of the door slam as poor No Name scurried away, minding not that she nearly tripped Xion in the process. Regaining her balance, Xion took that as a hint- that she should snoop in on this.

And so she'll be knocking quiet loudly on the door, kay?]

Nami! Nami! You in there?


rewritethesky March 16 2011, 18:18:13 UTC
[There's an arched eyebrow in the direction of the door, but she doesn't open it, and just goes back to the mirror.]

Well, duh. I'm not Axel or Oogie Boogie or anyone like that.


seasaltblues March 16 2011, 18:24:05 UTC
[That was her cue that it was fine to break and enter then, right? Because she's totally doing that! Watch out, Nams! Here comes a cheery face that matches Sora as she quickly makes her way in with a gargantuan smiledespite the fact that you just threw Mr. Fluffy-kins.

Oh, and she might not be minding the personal space. ...Because, oh, yep. Having a cling belt shortly after if you're not careful!]

Aw, what's wrong, Nami? Woke up on the wrong side of the apartment?


rewritethesky March 16 2011, 18:31:57 UTC
[...Did their cat suddenly just have a sex change for opposite day?

She really actually doesn't care that Xion came in, or that she came in with a creepily weird smile on her face. It's not until Xion drapes herself over Namine that she literally stops and freezes, staring - very close to glaring - at the other girl.]

...Maybe. [Did I forget to mention the deadpan tone?]

Might be worse if you don't get off of me soon.


[Video] false_earth March 16 2011, 20:37:58 UTC
[Someone is rather... dumbfounded by this change, and concerned.] Naminé?


[Video] rewritethesky March 16 2011, 23:09:02 UTC
[A glance to watch is all he's going to get right before she goes back to what she's doing.]

Yeah, Ila? Something you want?


[Video] false_earth March 16 2011, 23:14:06 UTC
[Um... that tone is rather off-putting] Why are you...

[He motions to his eyes, more or less finishing the question.] You don't really need any of that stuff.


[Video] rewritethesky March 16 2011, 23:34:44 UTC
[Watches him as he talks, but only ends up shrugging it off and going back to what she was doing.]

Mm, might not have before, but it doesn't really hurt to experiment around or try something new.

[Besides, turns around and - oh god, she's kinda posing now.] I might like it.


[video] jale_bait March 16 2011, 21:34:56 UTC
[Have some chatter as you work. Whether or not you reply, he's just going to keep going on...]Judging by what I'd seen from you over the network, I always thought you were one of the kinder people around here. We've never spoken -- the name's Jale, by the way -- 'cause I never really found a reason to talk to you, but now that I think about, why do people need a reason to socialize? A nod and a hello isn't much to give at all, but people have such a hard time being able to do even that much. There are only so much of us in this city and we're all in this boat together, so we might as well get to know each other, right? It'll help us work together in the long run and maybe we'll make some new friends while we're at it. You never know until you start talking to someone, how interesting or not they'll actually be. I mean I know I come off as standoffish at times, but I wouldn't write myself off as a mean guy. You wouldn't really know it though if you didn't talk to me, though. And I'm trying to fix that. I'm just saying that you oughtta ( ... )


[video] rewritethesky March 16 2011, 23:07:28 UTC
[She actually does try to ignore him when she starts, but the problem is, he's not stopping.

So maybe if she looks at him unimpressed enough, he will.]

...Are you even breathing while you talk?


[video] that icon pff jale_bait March 17 2011, 09:30:53 UTC
Yeah. You're probably being facetious, but just in case you aren't, I am breathing as I talk. Not literally, though. I've never heard of anyone breathing and talking at the same time. Maybe it's possible, but I'm pretty sure most people don't find it physically possible. If you can, then I'd be kind of impressed. It'd be a pretty useless skill, I guess, since you can barely tell when people take breaths between words, but a skill like that would probably let you talk forever.

Ah. Maybe if you're a singer, that would be a good skill. You'd be able to hold notes pretty much forever. Or at least until your voice gives out. Are you a singer? A friend of mine has a sister that's great at it. I don't think anyone would mind if she were able to sing without end. I do think people would mind if she talked without end, though, since she's always saying she's our mom even though I already have a mom and my friend is her sister.


[video] It's a wonderful icon 8D rewritethesky March 19 2011, 05:35:48 UTC
[She just stares at him, a mix of annoyed and flabbergasted that he's still talking. And was there a question in there somewhere?]

No. [Deadpan tone.] I'm not a singer.

...Why are you telling me all this?


[Video] loyalraven March 17 2011, 03:44:35 UTC
[Well, ok. Sometimes cats are asking for it. But Gilbert specifically remembers Naminé being a bit appalled when he told her how he was terrified of cats and worried about the little monster that lives with him was treated. So this seems... off. Never mind the odd, erm, dress up.]

Naminé? Are you all right? Looks like you got your eye there... [Eye poking hurts.]


[Video] rewritethesky March 17 2011, 04:30:43 UTC
[Looking grumpily into the feed before removing her hand and examining it in the mirror. Luckily, there's nothing wrong.]

Yeah, yeah Gil. I'm fine. Just annoyed that that dumb cat did that. [Annnnd she goes right back to putting more on.]


[Video] loyalraven March 17 2011, 04:45:52 UTC

Trying a new look? [Gilbert... doesn't even know why he's asking. Makeup and other things women do are so far out of his sphere of knowledge it's not even funny.]


[Video] rewritethesky March 18 2011, 04:53:19 UTC
Something like that. Figured it was about time to try my hand at something like this.

[Stops for a minute and faces towards the watch, posing with one hand on her hip and only half her face covered in make up.] What do you think? You like it?


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