Twelfth Chain Link ☆ Video

Mar 16, 2011 12:20

[The feed opens up, strangely enough, to a bathroom and a particularly thin frame leaning over the sink counter. Surrounding her on the surface of the vanity is some draped black clothing that looks suspiciously like an Organization coat - particularly Xion's - various different kinds of makeup and removers, and... a box of black hair dye and sheers?

What could be a little more strange is Naminé, bending over the counter to get closer to the mirror, as she puts on heavy HEAVY amounts of thick black eyeliner.

At least until the Nobody's kitten decides that it wants some quality time with Naminé and hops up onto the counter, nudging and rubbing against one arm affectionate.

Specifically, the arm that's holding onto the applicator, which then pretty much causes the girl to poke herself in the corner of her eye.]

Tch! Stupid cat! [Instantly, the applicator is dropped into the sink while one hand goes up to her closed eye and the other grabs the scruff of the kitten's neck. Both the girl and the kitten disappear from view, but the very loud, very irritated slam of the bathroom door might suggest that she kicked it out

ShinRa appartment-mates might want to tread carefully here. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Literally.]

c: kairi, namine, c: gilbert nightray, c: xion

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