[ Video ]

Feb 20, 2011 21:13

[ So, he got off of the train with his Electro-Mag rod extended, charged, and tapping idly at his shoulder. There was something hovering around, he knew it, but he couldn't see, hear, or smell anything. Once he got off, he first tried to use his cell phone. No dice.

But then he found this nice silver pocket-watch that..wasn't actually a pocket watch ( Read more... )

c: elena mellas, c: reno, c: unit 202, unit 202, c: axel, reno

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Comments 122

[action] I CAN DO THIS, I SWEAR. plaidmanskirt February 21 2011, 04:08:37 UTC
I'mmur ne'er gaun tae get tired of seein' these people enter this city.
[ Speaks towards the other red head with his back pressed against the wall of the train station, a cigarette in his mouth and a wood axe resting against the ground. ]

Oi, mate. That's an interestin' stick ye got there.

[ Gestures a bit at the Electro-Mag with his free hand, keeping his distance from Reno. ]


[ Action ] Oh y hay thar, Reno, Axel, and Scotland can be triplets. general_affairs February 21 2011, 04:41:01 UTC
[ His head tipped up when he heard a heavily accented voice, a brow cockin--oh. Holy shit, they were damn near twins, aside from his skirt. Thing..that he had going on there. There was amusement on his face, despite the fact that he had barely any idea what the first thing was that came outta this guy's mouth. ]

'Could say the same about that nice one ya got there. [ Raises the electro-mag rod to tip towards the axe. Strangely, seeing this redhead here didn't shake that feeling he'd had on the train. ]


[action] gingers GINGERS EVERYWHERE plaidmanskirt February 21 2011, 04:47:00 UTC
Ae, wot. Juss an axe. Nottin' special.
Where ye from?
Di ye remember gettin' 'n the train 'r enythin'?
[ Despite being here for about two weeks, he's still asking these questions to people.
Keeps his ground and removes the cigarette from his lips, puffing smoke out. ]


[ Action ] Fuck yeah. All the ladies dig gingers. general_affairs February 21 2011, 05:05:42 UTC

[ Lets the mag rod rest on his shoulder again. Looks off thoughtfully, one brow lifting as he tried to think. ] Can't say that I do. 'Wouldn't be the first time somethin' like that's happened, though. [ He's been hospitalized a number of times in the past. ]

'Sounds like that's a regular occurrence though.


[Video] ergaleomancer February 21 2011, 05:13:03 UTC
Welcome to Ruby City. If I explain, will you listen, or will you fly off the handle and assume I'm the one behind this because I offered?


[Video] general_affairs February 21 2011, 05:28:22 UTC
Heh. [ Well lookie here, someone responded. Someone that's...not familiar. So he just gave her(...him?) an easy grin. ]

I'm all ears, yo.


[Video] ergaleomancer February 21 2011, 05:37:27 UTC
[[Whatever this person is, they seem to be in possession of breasts. Not that it matches her mannerisms or manner of dress ( ... )


[Video] general_affairs February 21 2011, 05:56:24 UTC
[ Oh look, there were boobs. Female. Well, this little lady sure seems informed and helpful enough. So he listened, head lolling to a side. ]

'Sounds pretty ass backwards, but hey. I'm not complainin' if it's free, but yeah, I'll probably need some directions. 'Place doesn't look like any town I've ever seen. [ He didn't look like it, but rest assured, he was mentally cataloging every detail she laid on him. ]

'Those monsters ever decide to come out and play in town at all?


[Video.] holmes_fanatic February 21 2011, 06:40:20 UTC
[Oh, Conan is very happy to see you.] Reno-niisan!


[ Video ] general_affairs February 21 2011, 06:45:33 UTC
[ But unfortunately, Reno doesn't know who you are, and why you're using cutsey names with him. ]

..Who're you?


[ Video ] holmes_fanatic February 21 2011, 07:27:27 UTC
--ah, you don't remember?

It makes sense that you wouldn't. I'm Edogawa Conan.


[ Video ] general_affairs February 21 2011, 07:41:36 UTC
I'm supposed to?

Huh. I'd introduce myself, but 'sounds like you already know who I am. Nice meetin' ya though, kid.


[action] wickedstray February 21 2011, 09:50:39 UTC
[don't mind him, he just usually comes by the station regularly to try to ascertain some sense of order to the coming and going of the train. He's as conspicuous as any full armored man can be. Maybe he really should stop being so paranoid but he still hasn't put it past Chaos or any other deity to throw him back in the pit with no warning whatsoever. He'll just glance at the redhead, taking into account the unusual color of hair but, most important, the weapon he's wielding]

Interesting mace you're wielding [well it looked like one, sort of. One that was probably infused with nethicite as he he'd never seen one weapon spark. Dr Cid would have immediately jump at an opportunity to dismantle it]


[action] general_affairs February 21 2011, 10:07:46 UTC
[ Because men fully-clad in armor were an entirely normal sight in every part of the world. Yeah, no. Reno just let his gaze flicker over to the obnoxious suit of armor, cocking a brow. He was fully prepared for a weirdo. ]

It's an Electro-Mag Rod. Glad it's still workin' here. [ You could tell he was on guard by the tone of his voice, despite the casual conversation at hand. Reno usually wasn't the type to 'shoot first, ask questions later.' ]


Re: [action] wickedstray February 21 2011, 11:53:32 UTC
[the expression doesn't go past him but he's had worse reactions]

Electro-mag? Never encountered such a notion before. [he could sense the other man's tension and while he himself was never one to trust easily - especially in such foreign surroundings - his hands stray nowhere near the blades strapped to his back] Functions by the way of magicks, I presume? [he asks merely for the sake of conversation, trying to assess if the man was a threat or not. Clearly he was new here so of course he was on guard]


Re: [action] general_affairs February 22 2011, 04:37:41 UTC
[ Good, because Reno will make it blatantly clear if he's got a problem. ]

You got it, tin-can. [ He'd tap at his shoulder idly with the rod with a chuckle, head lolling to one side as his shoulders slouched. He looked the part of a lazy, prodigal son, but looks were surely deceiving. He was quite the proficient Turk, being among those with the least regard for human life.

But don't mind that. He wasn't so bad on the surface. ] Yeah, most weapons've slots to put Materia in. 'Costs a pretty penny to get, though.


[Video] unit_202 February 21 2011, 15:20:44 UTC
[An answering video feeds clicks on, the face responsible for it is female, freckled, and no small amount of amused.]

...Well, you certainly got the hang of the device quickly enough-- But you can't ascertain what's occurred?


[Video] general_affairs February 22 2011, 04:27:54 UTC
[ Well hello, nurse.~ Hav a devil-may-care grin from the Turk. ]

Call it my line of work.~

'From what I've been told, I was brought here from my world and there's no gettin' back. And apparently, I was here before.


[Video] unit_202 February 22 2011, 05:06:49 UTC
That sounds about right-- I'm afraid you're as trapped as the rest of us.

[She counters his grin with a smirk of her own, one eyebrow raising.]

...Though if you were here before, it's very curious. Everybody will be wanting to know how you left. I'd keep that information to myself, were I you.

[A brief pause, and she smirks again.]

Though apparently, were I you, my line of work would have prepared me for it. I don't suppose you feel like elaborating...?


[Video] general_affairs February 22 2011, 22:35:10 UTC
Apparently not if I got outta here one time.

But hey, I might pass it out if it's worth my time. [ He enjoys antagonizing people when they get on his bad side. Ergo, to piss off the Watcher and Interloper, he might try a few things. ]

Not a whole other world, but something along those lines. I'm just a hired hand. It's all up to interpretation...you know the deal.~


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