
Feb 27, 2011 21:51

[Gilbert is in Oz's room. And there's a frantic sort shaking to the video feed as it turns on. This is probably because Gilbert's hands are shaking. Significantly shaking. And he can't quite seem to stop them.] Oz.

Oz if you can hear this, you need to answer me. You need to answer me now. Please... please answer me...

[His voice is more than a ( Read more... )

c: elliot nightray, gilbert nightray, c: naoki kashima, c: jack vessalius, c: xion

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[Video] bound_by_this February 28 2011, 03:03:44 UTC


[Video] loyalraven February 28 2011, 03:20:45 UTC
[The voice has him stiffening just slightly before looking to the video feed.] Jack.

Oz... it seems Oz has gone home. It may be... [He's lying, and his voice breaks.] ...for the best.


[Video] bound_by_this February 28 2011, 03:38:53 UTC
[Immediately he regrets even speaking up.]


[He hesitates, watching Gilbert, listening to him speak. It's painful to do so, and he knows no words he can offer will help, but still, he tries.]

Yes...perhaps it is.... All the same, I'm sorry, Gilbert...


[Video] loyalraven February 28 2011, 04:29:12 UTC
[For a moment, Gilbert is a little torn. And there's a flash of anger in his eyes, as though maybe he thinks he's found a target for his own frustration at his inability to do -anything- in this circumstance. But looking to the screen, to a face that is so much more familiar than he understands it being.] It... he... I've failed him again.

Did I let you down too?


[Video] bound_by_this February 28 2011, 04:46:48 UTC
[Jack averts his gaze, looking down sadly. Better to stay silent, better to have just watched? No. How could he? Even though Gilbert doesn't remember him, Jack remembers Gilbert. He's not seen any smile from him, and wonders if he'll ever give cause for it so long as he is here....

...but that doesn't mean that he can't offer his own- a sad, regretful smile as it is...]

No Gilbert. You didn't fail him. It's not our choice coming or going, is it? For while he was here, you did what you could, didn't you? No one can fault you for that.

[And then he slowly shakes his head.] ...but no, you didn't let me down, Gilbert. You never let me down.


[Video] loyalraven February 28 2011, 05:00:09 UTC
[Gilbert blinks a bit at that smile, and it's all too like expressions he's seen on Oz's face so often that he's a little startled.]

I failed him before. When we were both children. It was my fault they sent him to the Abyss. No one... no one said it then but it was true. And here... [Well no, Jack has a point. Coming and going in this city isn't anyone's choice.] I should have...

[He blinks a little at that answer though, and does he look a little relieved? Maybe a little.] I'm... I'm glad.


[Video] bound_by_this February 28 2011, 05:54:23 UTC
[What was that reaction? Had he done something wrong- said something he shouldn't have again? He pulls back again.]

..... [He wants to ask, but he knows he shouldn't. He just lets Gilbert speak, lets him interrupt himself. It's a very slight change, but it's there, and it's something. He nods, allowing his smile to resurface.]


[Video] loyalraven February 28 2011, 06:26:34 UTC
[And Gilbert will work with the silence. And in fact he'll even explain himself.] You look so much like him. [A pause and his brow furrows.] ...he looks like you, I guess would be fairer to say. Oz I mean. Older, of course, but... [Timelines. What are these?]

I'm sorry. I'm... [Rambling? Babbling? Confused? Torn between resenting Jack and desperately wanting his approval? ALL OF THE ABOVE.]


[Video] bound_by_this February 28 2011, 06:33:45 UTC
[Ah, now that makes a lot more sense. Jack nods slowly, understanding touching his face.]

I see! I wish I could have met him...

[He shakes his head at the last. Talking about things helps to alleviate stress sometimes, and Jack hasn't even any idea why Gilbert finds the need to apologize so much for such things. He almost laughs, thinking about the boy back home- but then any looks of amusement vanish as he turns his head, looking away towards something else.]

-ah, did they get in..?


[Video] loyalraven February 28 2011, 06:50:54 UTC
[Gilbert nods slightly at that.] I do too... as things are now... [Not as they will be for Jack. But... that's a long story too.

He pauses though, looking closer at the communicator.] ...Jack? What's wrong?


[Video] bound_by_this February 28 2011, 06:59:03 UTC
Those creatures- ah, what were they called? Heartless. That's what that person who called himself Terra informed me-

[He starts to move, slowly at first and then a little more quickly through empty, old rooms.]

...don't really look like much now that I've gotten a better look but if they eat people's hearts...


[Video] loyalraven February 28 2011, 07:35:54 UTC
[Ok Gilbert's heard the multiple warnings about these things.]

They're inside? Where are you? Are you armed? [And Gilbert's a little bit all business right now, the only real mode he has in which he's not a stumbling mess of failure and uncertainty.]


[Video] bound_by_this February 28 2011, 07:46:58 UTC
[Open a door, close it again- nope, not that way although he wonders how they'd gotten there! -open another, ah, how about this way instead?] -yes, somehow...

[He continues to move, now down a hallway.] It's a large house- well not nearly as large home but I found it had an old piano- [Digressing much? Jack glances over his shoulder.] -no, not armed, I'm afraid.

...ah! Is that how you got in? [He's speaking towards the Heartless, presumably. And...time to duck through another door, then!]


[Video] loyalraven February 28 2011, 07:51:25 UTC
[...all right, Gilbert is resisting the urge to reach out through the communicator and shake him. Pianos will not help him find you, Jack.] What's it near? [He's been in the city a long time. Large houses. There aren't many. Gilbert is already moving from Oz's room then, detouring only to grab his gun. But he'll still be talking on his communicator.]


[Video] bound_by_this February 28 2011, 07:59:30 UTC
[Jack leans back against the door once he closes it, thinking at that.] Other...houses? It's about as far east as you can go if you start from the clock tower. [Because...that's probably how he found the place to begin with.

Movement at his feet distracts him- ah, that's right. The Heartless things really do behave like shadows, don't they! He spies the little blob of black as it slides beneath the door, and he dances away from it.]

...well that's not going to work either, I guess.


[Video] loyalraven February 28 2011, 08:04:10 UTC
[Damn it. This is Gilbert quickening his pace. ...dammit he's going to have to use those damned awful terminal things left over from the LAST time the worst parts of someone's world invaded this place. He hates those things. But he's out his door, doing his best to dodge the shadow things that seem to be so common on the streets.] ...stay alive until I get there. Do you hear me?

[It's not asking too much. It can't be, right? He's on his way. And it won't be too long before he's stopping in front of a couple houses and trying to figure out which one is the right one.]


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