
Feb 27, 2011 21:51

[Gilbert is in Oz's room. And there's a frantic sort shaking to the video feed as it turns on. This is probably because Gilbert's hands are shaking. Significantly shaking. And he can't quite seem to stop them.] Oz.

Oz if you can hear this, you need to answer me. You need to answer me now. Please... please answer me...

[His voice is more than a ( Read more... )

c: elliot nightray, gilbert nightray, c: naoki kashima, c: jack vessalius, c: xion

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[Video] bound_by_this February 28 2011, 03:03:44 UTC


[Video] bound_by_this February 28 2011, 08:13:41 UTC
[The order that comes from Gilbert is surprising- and for a moment has Jack staring down at the watch. He holds back a laugh (mostly), but not the smile. So different from just moments ago, or even when they'd first spoken...]

I guess when you put it that way I don't have a choice!

[He'll be moving through rooms again- and when he runs out of rooms, well, there's a window! It's a bit of a ways down, but from ledge to tree isn't impossible a reach... and perhaps Heartless can't climb trees! Jack however is no stranger to doing such, and wastes no time in clambering into its outstretched branches...]


[Video] loyalraven February 28 2011, 08:30:46 UTC
[If Gilbert notices the smile, he's not commenting on it. For now. It's probably because he's preoccupied.

And at the moment he's getting a bit frustrated. If Jack is cornered, he doesn't have time to search houses. He's considering pulling his communicator again and trying to see if he can figure this out when he sees the blonde figure climbing out the window.] ...

[No, that makes perfect sense. A tree. Dear god this whole family needs to be wrapped in tissue paper and kept in a small room with no sharp objects or corners. That proposal in mind for later, he sprints over towards that tree. And he's only half worried about drawing the creatures' notice.] Jack! Down here. Quickly! [Barking more orders at the Hero of Sablier. ...it's the adrenaline.]


[Action] bound_by_this February 28 2011, 08:37:55 UTC
Hm? [Pausing in his progress, he glances around as he hears his name. Down? Oh!]

Gilbert! [Jack sounds quite happy to see him- it would be the first time they'd be meeting in person like this, after all! For the moment he'll forgive the other his insubordination, and as for that order- well, he'll be down a lot quicker than both of them expect. There's a telltale snap underfoot as the branch the blond had set foot on gives, and suddenly enough that his hand slips from its grasp.] -Ah.


[Action] loyalraven February 28 2011, 08:53:41 UTC
[Gilbert hears that snap -- and he's surprised, even if he's half sure that he shouldn't be. His eyes widen and he's moving quickly, trying to put himself beneath the falling blonde to at least make an attempt at catching him -- though it'll probably only end with both of them a pile on the ground. At least Jack will be less likely to break himself with a Gilbert-shaped cushion.] J-Jack!


[Action] bound_by_this February 28 2011, 17:50:00 UTC
[Hopefully Gilbert won't get broken in the process either! Jack wouldn't like that at all!

And it's with a rather ungraceful landing that the supposed Hero makes. Honestly he wouldn't have worried if there were bushes below but Gilbert works about the same.]


Re: [Action] loyalraven February 28 2011, 18:16:47 UTC
[No no, Gilbert is resilient. Something about being stuck in barrels and kicked off cliffs in your childhood toughens you up a bit. He's a bit knocked off his feet, but he's scrambling back to his feet quickly. That much commotion is sure to attract the dark little critters creeping around. And looking up and around, this proves to be true. Not really sure what good it'll do, but he has his gun out, firing a few quick shots directly into the, erm, head-ish area of the closest. His other hand he holds out towards Jack to help him up.] Are you all right? [Give him your hand, oh once and future Hero, so he can get them both out of here. If Jack doesn't, Gilbert is already eying that braid.]


[Action] bound_by_this February 28 2011, 19:35:09 UTC
[Jack winces, slowly pushing himself up- although that's likely helped as Gilbert is so quick to get to his own feet. Oops- he did land on him, didn't he? And gunshots- ah, those shadowy creatures have already started towards them. ]

-yes, I think so. Sorry about that-

[With that hand extended towards him, he blinks, lifting his own to take it so he can stand. Don't touch the braid, that fall was a little jarring!]


[Action] loyalraven February 28 2011, 22:37:59 UTC
[Gilbert tightens his hand about Jack's as he helps pull the blond man to his feet. Fine, the braid is safe for now. For. Now. He lowers his gun -- which barely seems to startle the little monsters anyway. He shakes his head at the apology.] Hold on.

[There's a brief stir in the air around them as Raven wakes. And if Jack though the fall as jarring, Gilbert may have to apologize later for what he does next. It's a blink, then another, and they'll find themselves in the living room of Gilbert's house, a few stray black feathers settling slowly around them, and Gilbert wavering on his feet.]


[Action] bound_by_this March 1 2011, 00:38:42 UTC

[This feeling... It doesn't so much startle him as make him wary, but then Jack realizes what Gilbert's done- and in the next moment they're no longer standing outside, surrounded by the Heartless.

His head swims, but distractedly he watches the black feathers that flutter innocently about them. Raven. That was Raven. One of the Baskerville chains-

But then the slight tug on his hand pulls Jack's mind back to the present, and his grip tightens on Gilbert's hand as he steps towards him to try steadying him, if not make sure he doesn't outright fall over.]



[Action] loyalraven March 1 2011, 01:18:05 UTC
[Gilbert blinks a bit himself, looking more than a little unsure for a moment. But he reaches out his free hand to settle at Jack's arm, using the blond man for balance for a moment, because he is pretty close to falling over. Using that aspect of Raven's powers isn't easy, especially when the chain's powers are already occupied keeping Alice from being a giant death rabbit.]

I'm... I'm sorry. I'm fine. [He sounds a little out of breath.] Just... I just need to sit down...

[A pause.] You're not hurt, are you? You're all right?


[Action] bound_by_this March 1 2011, 03:25:54 UTC
[Talking is good, reactions, always good. Jack nods, smiling out of relief as he keeps a hand on Gilbert. He glances around and then leads him to sit down.]

I'll be... I'm fine, Gilbert. Not hurt at all. [A little nauseated but if they'd been stuck there any longer things might have been much worse. And he could deal with a little dizziness. He'll sit down beside Gilbert so he won't go falling over his own feet.]

...I'd...forgotten you'd mentioned you could use that Chain...


[Action] loyalraven March 1 2011, 04:10:28 UTC
[Gilbert falls to a seat rather heavily, breathing still labored as though he'd spent the better part of the day running a marathon. He nods a little at Jack though, looking over to him for a long moment.] I'm glad...

[A pause and he nods, though this time glances away.] Not everyone's happy about it, but... I had to.


[Action] bound_by_this March 1 2011, 04:40:51 UTC
[That's not quite what concerns Jack, although he isn't sure he likes the idea of Gilbert being attached to such a Chain. Seeing how badly it affects him only makes him like it even less, and he's not even aware that it's also due to constant use to keep B-Rabbit in check.

He shakes his head, a faltering laugh escaping his lips.]

....it seems there's still a great deal I'm not aware of that's happened between the "now" I know and one hundred years after.


[Action] scalethetower March 1 2011, 05:40:18 UTC
[Naoki's grown accustomed to sensing many things--the different emotions of each person in this house, the ones of those he's familiar with, acquaintances or closer--and so knows when someone comes and goes. The abrupt feeling, the reappearance of who he can sense to be Gilbert and someone unfamiliar has him moving toward the living room, lips pursed in worry. Only one thing explains the sudden presence.

Of course, he goes halting in the living room doorway as soon as he hears the voices. Tension makes his shoulders stiffen at the unfamiliar voice--rather, what he hears it says. One hundred years--? Does this make that person...

Funny. What feeling keeps him from going inside for a few prolonged moments? He manages to shake himself out of it and proceeds inside, moving around the couch until he can look at Gilbert and--...ah. He really looks like Oz, doesn't he? Or vice versa, as it were.] Are you all right?


[Action] loyalraven March 1 2011, 05:46:44 UTC
A lot has happened. I only know the stories-- [Gilbert cuts off, shaking his head just slightly. But he should know more, shouldn't he? Those memories still locked away in his mind... what is in them? What happened that propelled him 100 years into the future.] I don't...

[It's Naoki's voice that's his saving grace, and he looks up, a bit startled. He doesn't trust himself to stand right now, pretty sure his legs wouldn't support him. So instead he just holds a hand out towards him.] I'm fine. Naoki... this is Jack Vessalius. Jack, this is Naoki.


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