The Long and Winding Road 15/?

Nov 24, 2010 21:52

Title: The Long and Winding Road

Pairing Luke and Reid

Other Characters Chris, Bob’s secretary Lynne, Gretchen

Summary: This is the courtship of Luke and Reid. This is AU.

Rating NC 17

The movie had been great date, although neither Reid nor Luke would have been able to give a synopsis of the plot even under penalty of death. They had sat in the back of the movie theatre and made out like teenagers. By the time the movie ended they were both so turned on that Reid suggested a quick trip to the bathroom. Unfortunately the manager thought this might be their plan and sternly asked them to leave. Reid at least had the popcorn container to hide his enormous erection; Luke had nothing and just averted his eyes and tried not to blush too much. He failed.

By the time the pair reached Reid’s car, the combination of the cold air and humiliation had managed to calm their ardour and they were able to make it home.

“God that was embarrassing,” Luke remarked when they were finally in the privacy of his home.

Reid just laughed. “Come on Luke it wasn’t that bad. I’m sure we’re not the first couple to be asked to leave. Although, I have to admit that I would have preferred that he asked us to leave after we had had bathroom sex. That would have been extremely hot.”

“Oh my God, do you think he knew that we were going to do that?” Luke asked feeling himself blush.

Reid shrugged, “probably, we weren’t exactly being discreet.”

“Shit, you don’t think that Lloyd’s going to tell my dad, do you?”

Reid looked confused. “Who the hell is Lloyd, and why would he tell your dad?”

Luke sighed patiently, “Lloyd is the manager that asked us to leave, he and my dad went to high school together.”

Reid just gaped at Luke. “Bloody small towns,” he muttered to himself.

Reid could tell that Luke was pretty freaked out about this so he tried to calm the younger man down. “I’m sure that he won’t say anything to Holden about this. He probably sees this kind of thing all the time, which is why he knew what was on our minds. He’s probably forgotten all about it.”

“Do you really think so?” Luke asked with such hope in his voice that it made Reid smile.

“Yes,” he replied comfortingly

Luke smiled lovingly at Reid. “Come on, let’s go to bed.” He reached out and grabbed Reid’s hand and led him upstairs.

The next morning the boys woke up tangled in each others arms. God I love waking up next to him. I can’t believe I always thought it would be horrible to share a bed. I love how he snuggles up to me in his sleep. It is just so so comforting to have Luke there touching me. Reid smiled to himself. Oh God, what if I’m crowding Luke, what if he finds it too squishy having me in his bed, what if he wishes I weren’t here. Breathe, Reid, just breathe. Reid looked over at Luke to gauge the other man’s reaction.

“Good morning Reid,” Luke said and leaned over and kissed him.

“Morning,” Reid breathed out, melting into Luke’s kiss.

“Do you have to go into the hospital right away or do you have time to food around?”

“I always have time to fool around,” Reid stated emphatically.

After morning sex, followed by shower sex, Reid and Luke finally got dressed and ready to face the day.

“I don’t have time to have a proper breakfast with you, but Emma dropped off some more muffins yesterday and I set the coffee maker and I bought you a mug so you can take some with you,” Luke said by way of an apology.

“Wow, Luke you are amazing!!! I don’t have time for breakfast with you either. Thanks for organizing food and coffee for me. I can’t believe you bought me a mug!” Reid leaned over and kissed Luke warmly, shoving his tongue inside Luke’s mouth because he simply couldn’t resist.

Luke happily kissed Reid back. “Everything is just so easy with you. I can’t believe how great you are,” Luke beamed at Reid.

Reid spent the next few days in a glorious haze. The nurses at the hospital all noticed how happy he was and this made their jobs a thousand times easier. Secretly Gretchen wanted to send Luke a bouquet of flowers to thank him, but felt that Reid would flip out and his good moods would be a thing of the past.

Reid was still finding it hard to concentrate on anything other than Luke, but he was able to force himself to at least get some work done.

Luke for his part was in much the same boat as Reid. He tried to focus on work and could but only for very short periods of time. Thoughts of Reid consumed him.

They spent every night together in Luke’s bed. They simply couldn’t get enough of each other.

The day after Bob had dropped the bombshell that Reid was going to be the new chief of staff Chris started formulating a plan to thwart Reid. He knew that he was going to have to be very careful if he was going to succeed.

He needed an ally who had insider information and so he decided to enlist his father’s secretary Lynne. Lynne was a plain, quiet, and competent woman, who just happened to be single. I’ll seduce her so that I can pump her for information without her becoming suspicious. She looks like she hasn’t been laid for a long time, so I’m sure that she’ll be begging me for it.

Knowing that his dad usually went for lunch at this time, Chris went upstairs to see Lynne.

“Hi Lynne, is my dad around?” Chris inquired innocently.

“No, I’m sorry, you just missed him,” she replied with a smile. Wow, I love those dimples. I mean he’s no Reid Oliver, but he’s not half bad.

“Oh, that’s too bad. He asked me to come by to pick up a list of the current board members along with their personal information,” he paused hoping that she would take the hint. “Oh well I guess that I’ll have to come back later.”

“Oh, I have access to that information, would you like me to print out a copy for you now.”

“That would be great,” Chris replied with his most charming smile.

“No problem,” she said retrieving the file and hitting the print button.

Five minutes later Chris was walking away with all the necessary information. I didn’t even have to sleep with her. Plus she asked me not to tell my dad that I had gotten the list from her, so I know that she won’t spill the beans on me. Life was going to be perfect, just like I deserve.

Saturday was the first day that Reid and Luke had both had off. Luke was so excited to spend an entire day with Reid that he had planned the whole thing out.

Luke woke up at 7:00, just like a kid on Christmas morning. He watched Reid sleep for a while awestruck by the fact that this beautiful, brilliant and talented man was lying in his bed. Whatever I have done to deserve the gift that is Reid I would gladly do again a hundred times over.

Finally, he just couldn’t wait for Reid to wake up one minute longer. So he decided to try something that he knew they would both enjoy.

Luke gently pulled the covers off of Reid; fortunately Reid was one of those people who radiated heat while they slept, so Luke wasn’t too worried about him getting cold.

Once the covers were off, Luke took a moment to stare at Reid’s beauty. He admired the definition in his abs, the chest that was so comforting to lean against. He looked at Reid’s arms that were strong without being bulky. He gazed at Reid’s hands and the long tapered fingers that were so very, very skilled. Luke let his eyes roam over to Reid’s slim hips that seemed to be jutting towards him even in slumber. Finally Luke let his eyes feast on Reid’s glorious penis. Reid was hard, but not yet leaking. Luke licked his luscious red lips and decided to see if he could change that.

Luke gently licked at the tip of Reid’s penis. He carefully tongued Reid’s slit and was immediately rewarded with just the tiniest taste that was Reid. Luke smiled and continued his ministrations. He slowly swirled his tongue down the length of Reid’s cock causing the other man to moan. Luke stopped for a moment to see whether or not Reid had woken up, but he still seemed to be asleep. Luke turned back to his task and ran his tongue back up Reid’s dick until he was back at the head. He carefully ran his tongue along the rim and gently nibbled at it every so often. When he had finished there he once again began to tongue Reid’s slit, which was now openly weeping pre come. Luke greedily lapped it up.

He pulled his mouth away from Reid’s penis to get one more look at it before he swallowed it whole. God I love the way his penis fills my mouth. I love the weight of it and the taste of Reid is better than anything else in the world.

He continued to swirl his tongue over the length of Reid’s penis alternating with swallowing around Reid’s head. He could hear Reid moaning with pleasure, deep in his throat, but he wasn’t sure if the other man was truly awake or not. He couldn’t pull himself away to look.

Luke decided to add one of his fingers into the mix. He put it alongside Reid’s cock into his mouth to get it nice and coated with saliva. Meanwhile his other hand was gently massaging Reid’s balls in just the way he knew Reid liked it best. Reid’s moaning intensified, and Luke smiled. Deciding that his finger was wet enough, he removed it from his mouth and put it in Reid’s tight hole.

Reid gasped at the sensation, finally fully awake. Oh my God if this is a dream please don’t let me wake up.

“Llluuuuukkkkke,” he screamed moments later coating Luke’s throat with his seed.

Luke swallowed every last drop.

Luke curled up against Reid and waited for the other man’s breathing to return to normal.

:”Good morning,” Luke said with a smile in his voice as he leaned over to kiss Reid.

“I love you, Luke.” God that seems so inadequate for the amount of emotion that I have swirling around inside of me, but I can’t think of anything else to say! I’m not sure that I deserve him, but God help me I am not giving him up!

“I love you too,” Luke beamed at Reid and made his heart flutter just a little bit more. Who the hell am I? Since when does my heart flutter?

“Sorry that I didn’t let you sleep more, but I couldn’t help myself,” Luke shrugged, blushing a bright shade of pink.

“Luke, never ever apologize for giving me a blow job, and for the record, you can wake me up like that any time the mood strikes you. ANYTIME!!”


Reid shook his head incredulously.

“My turn,” Reid said with a wicked grin.

“Nope, we need to get in the shower; Grandma Emma’s waiting for us with a full breakfast.”

“You’ve arranged for your Grandma Emma, the baker of the best muffins in the world to make breakfast for us???”

“Yes, so we have to get to the farm.”

“Luke Snyder, you are the best boyfriend on the planet,” Reid smiled as the two headed for the bathroom.

The boys were a little late getting to the farm as the shower had taken decidedly longer than was strictly necessary to get clean. Reid was determined to reward Luke for being the best boyfriend ever and well it took a while for Luke to be fully rewarded.

Reid was a little worried about meeting Emma, but he was also desperate to eat more of her cooking. Luke had promised that her muffins were only a small sampling of her repertoire. As soon as the two walked into the house, Reid’s nose was assaulted by a wide variety of mouth watering smells. Luke, amazing sex, Luke, fantastic food, Luke. I think that I might pass out from the sheer joy of this day. Who the hell am I again???

“Grandma, this is Reid,” Reid barely conscious, managed to snap out of his revelry to respond to the introduction. It was a good thing too as Emma immediately enveloped Reid in a warm hug. Why is she hugging me? Hug back, hug back. Reid managed to awkwardly put one arm around Emma’s back.

“It’s so nice to meet the man who has put such a big smile on Luke’s face. Welcome to my home,” Emma said as she finally released him from the hug.

“It’s nice to meet the woman who bakes such amazing muffins.”

Emma blushed at his praise.

“Sit down, sit down, I hope you’re hungry, I’ve made a lot of food and I don’t want to have a ton of left over’s”

Luke laughed and Reid grinned at the thought of being invited to eat a lot of yummy food.

Emma piled food onto plates and put them before each of the boys before serving herself.

“Wow, now this is a breakfast,” Reid exclaimed as he began to devour his plate of food.

Emma was delighted at the enjoyment she saw on Reid’s face as he inhaled her food.

“Would you like some more, Reid?” Emma asked noting that she and Luke still had plenty of their first helpings.

“Yes please. Don’t get up, I can serve myself, if that’s okay.”

“Thank you dear that would be lovely.”

Reid got up and served himself a mountain of food. He didn’t even notice the amused look that passed between the other two.

As they ate their breakfast the three enjoyed pleasant conversation. Normally, Reid would have been bored out of his mind, but the quantity and quality of the food was enough to hold his attention.

After breakfast the two men said good-bye to Emma, both thanking her profusely for the wonderful food.

“Reid you are welcome here anytime. By the way I am open to requests. So if there is something special you would like me to make for you please just let me know.”

Reid just gaped at her. He now knew where Luke got his generosity from.

“Thank you,” he said and leaned over and kissed Emma on the cheek, surprising all three of them in the process.

“Thank-you for everything Grandma,” Luke said leaning down to hug her.

“I like this one, he’s a keeper,” Emma whispered in his ear as she hugged him back.

Luke just smiled at her, pleased by her acceptance.

The boys spent the rest of the day wandering through a local farmers market, followed by a long leisurely lunch and then a hike on one of Luke’s favourite trails.

It was a lovely day filled with laughter and love.

Reid was pleased to hear that they were headed back to Luke’s after their hike. He had really enjoyed the day, but what he wanted most now was some alone time with Luke.

He wondered briefly what they were going to have for dinner, but decided that they could just order in a pizza. He was feeling peckish as they hadn’t had any real snacks while they were hiking.

As Reid and Luke walked into the house, once again Reid’s nose was assaulted by mouth watering smells.

“What have you done??” Reid asked his voice tinged with awe.

Luke shrugged and lit the candles that were waiting with the food on the dining room table. “I thought that you might enjoy a nice, quiet dinner with me, so I had the chef at the Lakeview prepare food for us. I ordered you the peppercorn steak because it travels more easily than the prime rib. I hope that you’re okay with that.”

“Luke, this is amazing, no one has ever gone to this much trouble for me, ever! I would have been happy with cold pizza, but this is so much better.”

Reid walked over to where Luke was standing and wrapped his arms around him, holding him tightly from behind. “You are the most incredible man on the planet, you own me,” he whispered in Luke’s ear. Luke turned his head so that he could capture Reid’s lips in a sweet, but passionate kiss.

The two ate the delicious food in companionable silence; both of them overcome by the emotions that they were feeling toward the other. While they were eating they sat close to each other and continued to touch and steal glances.

When dinner was over, the two cleaned up the dishes and put away the few bits of food that Reid was too full to inhale.

After the table was cleared and the dishes were done the pair retired to the sofa to relax and watch a little bit of TV.

Watching TV soon turned into making out which in turn led them upstairs. That night they made love with gentleness and an awe that they hadn’t experienced before, it was a truly beautiful experience, for both.

As they lay in bed spooning, Luke tilted his head back and kissed Reid one last time on the lips. “I love you, Reid,” he whispered. “I’m really going to miss this,” and promptly fell asleep.

lure my fic rated nc17

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