The Long and Winding Road 14/?

Nov 23, 2010 16:24

Title: The Long and Winding Road
Pairing Reid and Luke
Other Characters: Katie, Bob and Chris
Summary: This is a story about the courtship of Luke and Reid
Disclaimer: These are not my characters. All mistakes are mine.
Rating PG 13 
A/N : This one is dedicated to sleeper6 because it’s her birthday! Happy Birthday BB I hope that you do something fun and extravagant! Have a great day!! *Hugs*

Bob smiled as he looked at Reid and Luke who had managed to roll into his office at 10:15 looking not only tired but also deliriously happy. Bob was amused to see that the two men couldn’t seem to keep either their hands or the eyes off each other. Both men had apologized for being late, but neither really looked very sorry.
Bob cleared his throat in order to try and get their attention.
Both men looked up, Luke looking sheepish and Reid looking decidedly smug.
“I suppose that you are both wondering why I asked to meet with you,” Bob began.
Luke nodded eagerly, while Reid merely inclined his head.
“Well I have decided that I am no longer willing to sell the hospital to the Invicta Corporation. There was something about Mona Cross that just didn’t sit well with me.”
Reid was much more alert now that he knew that Invicta was out of the picture.
“So that means that we will have to come up with the money from somewhere else,” Bob stated staring firmly at Luke.
“Ah yes, Mr. Deep Pockets himself, Richie Rich,” Reid teased Luke.
Bob intervened. “Luke I want you to understand that I am not looking for money from you today, but I would like you to keep us in mind for the future. Also I would like to offer you the spot on the board that you recently gave up. Now that Invicta is out of the picture I see no conflict of interest.”
“Wow, thanks Bob, I would love to come back to the board. Is that okay with you, Reid?”
“Yes, those board meetings wouldn’t be the same without you,” he responded waggling his eyebrows. Luke blushed in response and Bob smiled in amusement pretending that he hadn’t noticed their private exchange.
“Now Reid there is something more that I would like to talk to you about, do you mind if Luke stays or would you rather have some privacy?”
“Luke can stay. It’ll save me time explaining it all to him later. What’s on your mind, Bob?”
“Even though I am not selling the hospital, I still want to retire and to do that I need a successor,” Bob paused meaningfully.
“Are you thinking about hiring from within the hospital, because I think that Susan Stewart would make an excellent choice,” Reid offered.
Bob smiled at Reid. “Yes, Susan would make an excellent choice and I have spoken to her about the position, but she turned me down flat. She enjoys her practice and isn’t looking to add more headaches to her life. I was actually thinking that you would make an excellent chief of staff, Dr. Oliver.”
Reid was stunned by this development. “Bob, I’m flattered, and of course I am interested in the job, but I fear that I lack, uh certain people skills.”
Luke beamed at Reid and squeezed his hand. “That’s why you have me. I have excellent people skills and I am willing to help you work on yours and support you wherever necessary, if you would like me to.”
“That’s one of the reason’s that I wanted Luke back on the board. That way he can help you succeed in that position.”
“Wow Bob, it looks like you have it all figured out.”
“That’s why I’m the current chief,” he smiled. “So is that a yes? Can I give your name to the board?”
Reid looked at Luke who was smiling at him with such love and confidence that Reid felt that he truly would be able to handle this job.
“Yes,” he finally agreed.
Bob stood up to shake their hands feeling relieved that Memorial would be left in such capable hands.
“I have one favour to ask of you both before you go,” Bob said, his voice taking on a serious tone.
“Sure, Bob, what do you need?” Reid inquired.
“I would truly appreciate it if you kept this appointment confidential. I would like to tell the relevant parties myself.”
Reid knew that Bob was talking about Chris and quickly nodded his agreement.
Luke agreed as well, although he was dying to tell everyone he knew, because he was so proud of Reid.
“Bob do you have a few minutes, I would like to discuss a case with you.”
“Sure Reid, I have about twenty minutes right now, will that suffice?”
“Yes, that would be great. Luke how about we meet at Al’s for lunch at say 1:30?” Reid asked hopefully.
“Sure that would be fantastic. I have to go to the foundation now, but I will see you at Al’s later.”
Reid leaned over and kissed Luke good-bye.
Once Luke had left Bob’s office, Bob wanted to hear about the case.
“It’s not really a case, what I want to talk to you about is Chris. He’s not going to be happy that you have chosen me to be the next chief of staff.”
“Don’t worry about Christopher, he will be happy for you once I explain my reasons for installing you in that position,” Bob replied confidently.
Reid was not so sure and began to lay out a list of concerns that he had regarding Chris.
Bob heard him out and promised to let Reid know if he saw any red flags when he spoke with Chris.

Reid was happy to see that Luke was already seated when he walked into Al’s at 1:30. He wasn’t quite so pleased to see that Katie was sitting at their table too. Reid really didn’t like to share.
“Hey Luke,” Reid said as he sat down and gently kissed Luke on the lips. “Katie,” he added perhaps a touch colder than necessary.
Katie just laughed. “Gee it’s nice to see you too, Reid.”
“Have you ordered yet?” Reid asked Luke.
“No, I was waiting for you.”
“Awe, you guys are so cute together,” Katie sighed happily.
Reid frowned at her. “Take that back, I am most definitely not cute!”
Katie just laughed in response.
The waitress came over to take their orders.
“So have you decided what you are going to have?” Reid asked Luke.
“Yeah, I’m going to have the chilli and cornbread, what about you?”
“That sounds good, I’ll have the same as you,” Reid smiled at Luke. The waitress took their orders as well as Katie’s who had settled on a garden salad.
The two men were so engrossed in each other that they didn’t catch the self satisfied smile that was plastered all over Katie’s face. Unfortunately, they also didn’t see the approach of someone far less palatable.
“Hey Katie,” Chris said as he strutted over to their table. “Mind in I join you?” he asked while already sitting down.
“Well I guess you’ve heard that my dad is planning on retiring,” Chris began looking at all three of them.. “So he is going to name someone as the next chief of staff and I guess it’s pretty obvious who that’s going to be,” Chris announced, whilst preening like a peacock.
Luke and Reid had begun to listen when Chris had mentioned his dad’s upcoming retirement.
Luke smiled with pride when he thought about Reid becoming the next chief.
“Who do you think is going to get the top job?” Katie inquired.
“Me,” Chris replied happy that Katie had asked.
“You,” Luke spluttered in disbelief, before he could stop himself.
“Of course it will be me. Who else is there?” he asked glaring at Reid.
Luke started to respond but Reid put his hand on Luke’s thigh and lightly squeezed to calm the younger man down.
“I don’t know, I was thinking that Susan Stewart might get the job,” Luke finished lamely.
“Susan’s a drunk, she couldn’t handle the job,” he answered derisively. “I’m a Hughes so that makes me the obvious choice.”
“Good to know, Doogie,” Reid offered.
“You’re going to have to stop calling me that once I’m your boss, you know,” Chris said wanting to wipe the smug look off of Reid’s arrogant face. I’m going to fire him once I become the chief. I don’t care how great everyone thinks he is, I know that he is a world class jerk and a cheat. I can’t wait until I can get rid of him.
“We’ll see,” was all Reid bothered to add.
Just then the food arrived.
“So Katie, how would you like to go out to dinner with the future chief of staff tonight?” Chris inquired arrogantly.
“Well Chris that sure is a tempting offer but unfortunately I already have plans,” she replied.
“I’m sure you can change your plans to come out with me,” Chris insisted.
“I’m sorry, but I really can’t.”
Reid was amused by this exchange, primarily because he was fairly certain that Katie didn’t have any plans.
“What exactly are your plans?” Chris asked. What on earth could possibly be better than going out for dinner with me??
Katie panicked. “Well, um I …” she looked beseechingly at Reid, begging him to bail her out of this jam.
“She has plans with us this evening. We’re all going to a movie together, I’d invite you to join us but we only have the three tickets plus Jacob’s and tonight’s show is sold out, Sorry,” Luke explained.
Reid just stared at Luke, impressed and a little taken aback at his ability to make up such a credible lie on the spot.
“Well that’s an easy fix then. You two can take Jacob to the movie while Katie and I have a romantic dinner. Problem solved,” Chris beamed like he had just ended world hunger.
“Forget about it Doogie. There’s no way that Luke and I are going to take the germ monster by ourselves. You’ll have to find someone else to celebrate with,” Reid said firmly.
“Are you sure, Katie?”
“Yes Chris. I’m sorry but I just can’t cancel on my friends.”
“Okay, well we’ll do something another night then for sure,” he assured her as he stood up to leave. “I have to go and have an important meeting with my dad,” he added, looking pointedly at Reid before he made his exit.
 “Wow thanks for jumping in like that Luke. My mind was a total blank,” Katie stated.
“No problem Katie. I got the impression that you would rather get a root canal without anaesthesia than have dinner with Chris,” Luke responded with a smile.
“Pretty much,” she agreed.
“So do you and Jacob want to go to a movie with us, tonight?” Luke asked sincerely.
Reid stared at Luke. Why did he just ask Katie to go to the movies with us? I didn’t know that we were even going to the movies tonight. Although, I have to admit that I kind of like the idea of sitting in a darkened movie theatre with Luke.
“That’s sweet Luke, but no, I just want to go home and spend the night in with Jacob.” I also know that Reid would kill me in my sleep if I tagged along.
“Well Reid do you want to go to a movie with me tonight?”
“Sure Luke, that sounds great.”
“What do you want to see?”
“I don’t care, why don’t you choose.”
Katie just beamed at the two men sitting across from her. She was so happy for both of them.
“Well I’d better get back to the station. Thanks for inviting me to lunch, Luke,” Katie said quickly getting her wallet out to pay.
“It’s on me, Katie. It was nice catching up with you.”
“Thanks Luke, see you later!”
“See you,” the boys echoed.
“So how do you think Chris is going to take the news from Bob?” Luke asked once the two of them were alone.
Reid sighed, “I really don’t know. We’ll just have to wait and see.”
We, Reid said we. Woo hoo!!!
“Well I’d better get back to work, what about you?” Reid asked Luke.
“Yeah, I had better get back to work too. I’ll walk you out.”
The two men left and walked over to Reid’s car.
“So do you want to grab dinner as well as a movie?” Reid asked hopefully.
Luke beamed and leaned in and kissed Reid. “Yes,” he whispered against the other man’s mouth.
“I’ll pick you up around 6:30, is that okay?”
They kissed once more and then reluctantly parted company.

Meanwhile back at Memorial…

“Christopher, it’s great to see you son, come on in,” Bob greeted his son.
“Thanks Dad it’s good to see you too.”
“Christopher I have some great news for the hospital and I wanted to share it with you first,” he paused for effect. “As you know I am planning to retire at the end of next year and to do that I needed to find my replacement.”
Chris smiled at this, knowing what was surely coming next.
“Luckily I have found someone who I know will do a spectacular job.”
“Well I’m sure that no one could handle this job as well as you have, but I will do my best to make you proud,” Chris replied, trying to be humble.
“I beg your pardon? Christopher, you’re not ready for this job. I was talking about Reid Oliver; he is the doctor that I plan to name as my successor.”
“You can’t be serious, Dad. Reid would ruin this hospital. He has zero people skills. Not to mention the fact that I am sure that he cheated on the fellowship that he won back in med school.”
Bob shook his head feeling disappointed in his son. Reid had been correct when he warned me about Chris’s reaction to the news. I wonder what else he was right about.
“Chris, Reid is a very well respected neurosurgeon. I understand that you may not like him personally, but professionally his credentials speak for themselves. You are just not on the same level as he is. He has published many more articles than you have and his specialty of neurosurgery is more prestigious than paediatrics. I know that doesn’t seem fair but that’s the reality of the situation.”
“What about the fellowship, Dad? Do you really want someone dishonest running your hospital?” Chris queried.
Bob sighed heavily and Chris realized he had made a tactical error.
“Son, it simply isn’t possible to cheat on that kind of fellowship. Reid mentioned that you had accused him of cheating and he advised me to investigate so that I could have confidence in him. I did as he suggested and found that there had been a thorough investigation at the time when the award was handed out and that Reid had been cleared of all wrong doing.”
Reid has really got you fooled, Dad. I think that maybe you are losing your mind to trust someone like him.
“Alright, Dad I’m glad that you had him vetted. I will support you in your decision, but I’m not sure that the board will be as accepting as I am.”
Bob issued a sigh of relief. “I’m glad that you are on my side,” he stated sincerely. I will still talk to the board members as Reid suggested. I don’t want any unpleasant surprises, especially from my son.
Chris smiled back at his father. “Me too,” he concurred. It’s too bad that Dad has lost the plot. There’s no way that I am going to let Oliver steal this from me too. The fellowship was one thing, but this is Memorial. Being chief of staff is practically my birthright. Bloody Reid Oliver, first I will destroy his relationship with Luke and then I will dismantle his career.

End notes; Okay I know that on the show the only reason that Chris wanted the job was because his father recommended Reid for it. Personally I thought that was a dumb and selfish reason to go after such an important job. So I have written it as though Chris really does want the job. I seem to remember that he did want it some years back when he was played by a different actor (Dylan Bruce?), but I could be wrong.
Secondly I remember reading somewhere that Chris and Katie had slept together in the past, which could very well be true. Again for this story that never happened. Also I have deliberately kept those two apart, because I never liked them as a couple.

lure my fic rated pg13

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