Yay, more fic! I just love the methods they used to 'persuade' Harold and Alberta to let Eustace sign up. The whole scene felt very Narnian, with the dragons just camping outside the house and using their flames to roast (or burn) food.
Have you ever read any of the Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia Wrede? I used to love those; they're the only series about dragons I can remember reading when I was younger.
Thank you! I ended up revising and reposting on AO3. I did read Enchanted Forest back when my spawn was younger and loved them, especially the first with Cimarene? Is that her name? And her soapy lemon water being fatal to wizards? So much fun.
This is awesome, and an exceptional birthday present. I'm not a Narnia fan, but Temeraire and Narnia go naturally together.Of course Eustace would have a snarky dragon. As for me I must confess I have a secret love for snooty, educated and ancient dragons-like Morkeleb in Barbara Hambly's Dragonhaven.Though the first dragon book that made a huge impression was the dragon in Pratchett's Guards! Guards! which was a huge influence on my writing
Thanks so much. I know you were more interested in Temeraire -- I ADORE crossing Temeraire with other verses, though because everything is better with dragons and the series itself began as a crossover of Pern and Age of Sail/Master Commander.
HERE BE DRAGONSlivejournalDecember 3 2014, 07:51:40 UTC
User xahra99 referenced to your post from HERE BE DRAGONS saying: [...] on dragons with an extra snippet of Narnia/Temeraire fic added on Uncommonly good of you, Volkan... [...]
Bean-poles as skewers! Perfect! I would love to know about the claw-marks on the walls of the Old Bailey - and the world needs more of Eustace and Volkan! Two dragonish souls - there is absolutely bound to be fireworks (ahem!) as they learn to work together. (Training fields in remote Scotland?)
Have you read Temeraire yet? I absolutely adore the first one especially. It's just a brilliant bit of worldbuilding, history and characterization, with strong fannish roots.
Heh. I love the idea of the dragons just taking exception to the wrong person being incarcerated. I ended up revising this slightly and putting it on AO3. Eustace, in this vision, has the makings of a dragon surgeon I think.
Comments 11
Have you ever read any of the Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia Wrede? I used to love those; they're the only series about dragons I can remember reading when I was younger.
As for me I must confess I have a secret love for snooty, educated and ancient dragons-like Morkeleb in Barbara Hambly's Dragonhaven.Though the first dragon book that made a huge impression was the dragon in Pratchett's Guards! Guards! which was a huge influence on my writing
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