Master List, Twelfth Night Tales 2016/2017

Jan 23, 2017 10:09

Thank you everyone for yet another wonderful event, with some brand new Twelfth Night Tales and a little more love for Remus and Tonks ♥ It's been a wide variety of entries; we've got fluff, we've got angst, we've got canon compliant and we've got AUs. Something for everyone ( Read more... )

twelfth night tales 2016, master list

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Comments 13

starfishstar January 24 2017, 19:48:59 UTC
THANK YOU once again for making this happen!! It makes me so, so glad to see this fest still going.

(Btw, very minor typo, hardly matters... But the word count on The Snow Wolf is actually 12,500 words, not 12.5000 ...ha, I *wish* I'd written 125000 words just in the month of January!! ;-)


huldrejenta January 25 2017, 08:26:43 UTC
Oh my - well, it goes to show how much faith I have in you and your writing stamina ;)


starfishstar January 26 2017, 13:43:09 UTC


starfishstar January 24 2017, 20:03:29 UTC
p.s. Total words about 36,300 + one artwork. Well done, everyone! :-)

10 participants, which is right on the average for the fest across the years. (8, then 10, then 12, then 10 again) (Yes, apparently I've kept these stats each year. It's just what I do. *hides*)


huldrejenta January 25 2017, 08:28:44 UTC
Yay for statistics ♥
And it's so nice that we're still at pretty much the same number of participants (not that there’s not room for more!), keeping this little corner of fandom alive :)


gilpin25 January 25 2017, 10:25:22 UTC
10 participants, which is right on the average for the fest across the years.(Yes, apparently I've kept these stats each year. It's just what I do. *hides*)


Each time I reckon on 5, if we're lucky. Each time I should double my pessimism!

LOL, I'm glad you keep them, it's interesting. And consistency is obviously our watchword!


starfishstar January 26 2017, 13:44:32 UTC
Now I don't have the stats in front of me right at the moment, but I think the word count even came out to pretty similar to 2 years ago!


fragilesymphony January 25 2017, 18:26:54 UTC
Thanks to everyone who organized this! It gave me the nudge I needed to actually finish a fic for this ship!


starfishstar January 26 2017, 13:49:22 UTC
I'm so glad you did! It was exciting for me to come across someone new writing R/T (and I say that as someone who myself discovered this corner of fandom way late, after all the LJ comms from back in the HP heyday had faded away... Making me, too, so grateful that this one came into existence. :-)


huldrejenta February 1 2017, 10:43:52 UTC
Thank you so much for joining! It's wonderful to see new people writing R/T :)


author_by_night December 7 2017, 16:22:10 UTC
Anything in the talks for this year? Because I'm in. :)


huldrejenta December 8 2017, 07:54:29 UTC
Hello, thank you for your interest! Yes, we're talking about it - not really concluded yet, but I have high hopes that there will be an event :)


2017-2018 Event faeriemagic07 December 17 2017, 23:24:12 UTC
I'm with author_by_night. Looking forward to an event.


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