Master List, Twelfth Night Tales 2016/2017

Jan 23, 2017 10:09

Thank you everyone for yet another wonderful event, with some brand new Twelfth Night Tales and a little more love for Remus and Tonks ♥ It's been a wide variety of entries; we've got fluff, we've got angst, we've got canon compliant and we've got AUs. Something for everyone :)

Hopefully we'll be back with future events, watch this space for info!


drumher: Crackers
Rated G


arctic_comet: Subjective
Meeting a man recently bitten by a werewolf gives Remus food for thought.
Rated PG, 638 words

author_by_night: A Thrill of Hope
An assortment of drabbles revolving around the Battle at Hogwarts and the Christmas following the end of the war; in this alternate version, Remus and Tonks survive.
Rated PG-13, 2390 words

author_by_night: Search and Suspicion
Between Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic, there is much deliberating about Sirius Black's second break-in - particularly for Remus Lupin and Nymphadora's Tonks, who have personal connections to the convicted murderer. Follows the second half of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Rated PG-13, 2847 words

author_by_night: Search and Suspicion, Part II
Rated PG-13, 2970 words

author_by_night: Search and Suspicion, Part III
Rated PG-13, 2287 words

faeriemagic07: Obliviated
Remus wakes up after being oblivited recalling nothing of what happened for the previous year. Tonks is devastated that her fiancee did not remember their romance.
Rated G, 2305 words

fragilesymphony: Winter Alone Reminds Us of the Human Condition
Tonks spends Christmas 1996 and the days following a little bit alone, and a little bit not.
Rated PG-13, 4456 words

gilpin25: What Friends Will Do
Remus has spent some much-needed, restorative time at The Burrow over Christmas, and is planning a surprise thank you in return. But he may not be the only one who has plans. (Set during HBP.)
Rated PG, 3775 words

huldrejenta: Almost
Remus can almost convince himself this is for the best.
Rated PG, 400 words

katyscarlett76: A Splash of Colour
Tonks brings colour to Remus’ grey life.
Rated PG, 778 words

shimotsuki: Only a Heartbeat Away
It’s the night before the second full moon after Remus married Tonks, and they are still navigating uncertain terrain.
Rated PG, 1020 words

starfishstar: The Snow Wolf
While on his undercover mission to the werewolves, Remus disappears. Tonks is determined to find him, no matter what the cost.
Rated PG, ca 12.500 words

starfishstar: The Snow Wolf (second part)

twelfth night tales 2016, master list

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