Prompt 10- Awake

Mar 14, 2008 20:12

Title: Awake
Author: summoning_muse  
Format & Word Count: Ficlet, 1060
Rating: Very Mild PG13
Prompt: 10, Awake
Warning: ... Not a very happy bday fic. Not actually remotely related to Remus's birthday. Also, decisively odd. And creepy, and hopefully sad.
Summary: If she sleeps she may miss him. So she stays awake.
Author's Note: All this, this story is inspired by ( Read more... )

summoningmuse, prompt 10

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Comments 5

pinkhairedauror March 15 2008, 14:51:29 UTC
*sobs* this is... absolutely beautiful!!! I can imagine her going through THAT absolutely! I think the part where she doesn't know who she is anymore... is the best and strongest of this installment. I am looking forward to the rest!


summoning_muse March 15 2008, 15:51:03 UTC
I didn't know if it was in character, actually. She reminded me terrible of Bella from the Twilight series 'New Moon' and that didn't seem like Tonks to me, but I did try to still make it her while... you know, giving up and collapsing and stuff. (There's even a MENTION of a new moon in there, but that's symbolic, about how she'll even take the wolf now just to have SOMETHING. The moonlit, while his enemy, has become her safe harbor, and she wants it BACK. ... Yes I like symbolism :). )

Thank you though! I know this will have at least one other part, and then probably a part from Remus (the idiot's) perspective. It's sorta hard because I need to warp the other prompts around to fit it, but they want to run off and do their own thing and I don't exactly WANT to warp them all.... ehh, we'll see.

Sorry. That became a rant. But thank you so so SO much! I'm happy it made someone cry :). (Oh, that sounds terrible, but I'm a TERRIBLE angst writer, and it WAS the point? Ya.)



pinkhairedauror March 15 2008, 15:59:43 UTC
Twilight &c are the next books on my to-read list, and I only have a passing idea about the characters. BUT. I think that the time alone, pregnant, made Tonks go through a lot of... stages. Some of them really, as you wrote, making her feel like she didn't even know who she was. Not in the least because she trusted Remus and he let her down, so her usual self-confidence and reliance in her estimation about things is literally down the drain, and that's never happened before.
Plus, hormones.

Hahaha I LOVE warping prompts!! I almost always do that, it kinda comes naturally. I see a prompt, I think of the first things I think about it, think of what it probably would mean to most - then go and do something completely different. And sometimes I just have stuff to write and I fit it to the prompts - twisting the idea a little and the prompt a little until they meet.

I am indeed looking forward to more, and hee I looove rants! I do them myself!


summoning_muse March 23 2008, 07:29:06 UTC
I actually imagine Tonks as being rather unconfident in herself in a majority of things. Oh, being an awesome auror and kicking arse? That's no problem, but things like tripping over her own feet and unable to stop Remus from leaving? Leaves her feeling useless and terrible. My take on her, anyway ( ... )


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