
Mar 10, 2008 17:23

Title: Late Night Conversations
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carnivalgirl, prompt 10

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Comments 10

pinkhairedauror March 10 2008, 17:54:00 UTC
Buahahaha LOOOVELY!!!

And why mince pies with baggy left, right, or... whatever else? I LIKE you Merlin's pants and everything in them.!!!


carnivalgirl March 10 2008, 21:32:57 UTC
Aw, thank you! I was hoping people would find it funny. Where are you getting mince pies from? I like having characters curse in silly ways, that's the only explanation for that. Thanks again for reviewing!!


bookish_brownie March 10 2008, 18:13:11 UTC
That was really cute! I like the first conversation the best.


carnivalgirl March 10 2008, 21:34:21 UTC
Really? That's nice to hear. Thank you for commenting again!


rainsoulx March 10 2008, 19:01:19 UTC
Gold to the first conversation, silver to the last one, and bronze to the third, for me!

The first is a masterpiece, really, I started laughing at the second line.

I didn't like very much the "angel" story (even if "...I would be complimented, but it seems you're happier about the chocolate." was soooo funny), but this is just me.

Very nice piece! I'm gonna read it again right now...


carnivalgirl March 10 2008, 21:37:35 UTC
The first one wasn't my favourite, but it seems to be well liked. It's nice that it was funny and not pointless. Thank you! I can deal with a little criticism, your review is very nice. I've never seen a medal system before. Thank you very much!


edenlass March 10 2008, 19:10:12 UTC
i really liked all three off these! without anything other than their conversation i can picture each scene.


carnivalgirl March 10 2008, 21:39:08 UTC
Well, there were four, but that's probably what you meant! I hoped they would make sense easily without other description. Thank you for your words!


merryb87 March 10 2008, 22:04:56 UTC
That was very silly! I loved all the conversations equally, I love the way your wrote their banter, very nice.


carnivalgirl March 11 2008, 15:42:04 UTC
Aw, thank you! I hoped for a nice banter-y thing going on. I'm happy you liked all the convos!


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