(no subject)

Mar 10, 2008 17:23

Title: Late Night Conversations
Format & Word Count: Dialogues, 781 words.
Rating: G
Prompt: Prompt 10, awake.
Warning: Silly.
Summary: Four late night conversations at different stages in Remus and Tonks's relationship. OotP, HBP, early DH and later DH eras.
Author's Note: Happy Birthday Remus!

Late Night Conversations

5th March, 1995. 12.30 AM

"Have you read any good books?"

"I like to think so."

"I mean lately. Like last week I finally finished Wuthering Heights because my cousin Sarah won't shut up about it. Have you read it? Heathcliff, I think, reminded me of Sirius, though at least Sirius doesn't bang his head against trees."

"Remind me, Tonks, why we are not in bed."

"We're on nightwatch duty. That's why we're on the roof."

"Ah yes."

"You can sleep if you want to, it's OK."

"No...it's too...hard. I tried."

"Oh, you decided to fall asleep on me without my permission? Thank you."

"You're welcome. Yes, Wuthering Heights is good. Have you read Jane Eyre?"

"I have."

"You are well-read."

"What are you saying, don't I look well-read?"


"People are always surprised I'm intelligent. It's actually quite offensive."


"No, it's fine, I'm used to it. People forget I'm actually a real actual bonafide Auror and I did all the training, and before that I got straight O's on my NEWTS..."

"What? You're joking?"

"No I am not!"

"...That's better than I did."

"...Oh. Well. Don't judge by appearances."

"Sorry, Tonks. It's just that brainy people tend not to be...so..."


"Interesting. They're more like me."

"I think you're interesting."

"Really? In what way?"

"Er, you're like, clever, and that...anyway, night duty."

"Night Duty."



"War and Peace!"

"Very appropriate."

21st February, 1996. 2.30 AM

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I have food."

"How did you find this place?"

"I saw your notes."


"Shut up. I won't stay long. Are you hungry?"

"...I can't eat it."


"Because Greyback will know that I've had a substantial meal and the other's haven't. If he asks me where I got it from, I can't say that my..."


"...I can't say that you brought it."

"No, come on, Remus. What am I to you?"


"Am I your girlfriend? Am I a friend? A colleague?"

"Keep your voice down!"

"I'm sorry. But tell me."

"Alright. You, Nymphadora Tonks, are an angel. I know this because not only do you appear in my dreams, not only do thoughts of you soothe me when I am in pain and not only do I cherish the fact that I have loved you even though I cannot love you more, you, Nymphadora Tonks, have bought me chocolate."

"...I would be complimented, but it seems you're happier about the chocolate."

"Tonks, I love you."

"You said it..."

"I did, and I stand by it. Thank you for this, my angel. I will keep the chocolate. The rest you can take with you as you go home, right now."

"Come with me."


"I love you, you love me, what else matters?"

"You're speaking too bloody loud again."

"Come on, let's leave, and never come back again. There's room in my flat. You've been here for months. We can be together."

"...No, you leave. Goodbye."

"...Fine. Be like that then."

"Tonks? Tonks, I'm sorry."





28th June, 1997. 3.15 AM

"Are you awake?"

"Are you awake?"

"I had a dream..."

"Good or bad?"

"When do I ever have good dreams?"

"Sorry, sourpuss. What was it about?"

"Don't worry. Forget it. Why are you awake?"



"I've been thinking, or rather fantasising, about our wedding."


"Don't be annoyed."

"I'm not. It's alright."

"I'm thinking I'll have my brown hair, but not short like last year. I want it long and flowing and beautiful, like my mother's when she was a teenager. Except I'll have a pink flower in my hair of course. What do you think?"

"It sounds beautiful."

"Thank you. That's what I'll do then. Oh, you've got that look on your face. You know it's perfectly possible to have a lovely wedding even when one of you is unemployed."

"You are all I could want, Tonks. You're the only reason I'm marrying you."

"That sounds about right!"

"I'm glad."

"What was your nightmare about?"

"Oh, just...you-and-I-got-married-under-a-full-moon-and-I-transformed-and-tore-a-great-big-slash-across-your-face-and-you-gave-me-a-horrible-look-as-if-you'd-just-understood-what-I-am-and-ran-away-from-me."

"I, er, didn't catch that, dear. You were talking a little too fast."
"Never mind, I'm going back to sleep."






"You will tell me if something's bothering you, won't you?"

"...Of course I will."

4th April, 1998. 5.04 AM





"For God's sake! Wake up!"

"OW! I'm awake! What is it?"

"Bloody GUESS, why don't you!"



"It's five in the moooorning. You know I'm no good in the mornings."

"Well, you'd better get used to it. You're going to be a father."

"I know that."


"...Merlin's pants and everything in them. I'll go and get your mother."

carnivalgirl, prompt 10

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