Titles: "A Clever Kiss" and "A Christmas Kiss"
Author: phe_o
Format art/pencil; digital media
Rating: G
Prompt: 5. "A kiss is a lovely trick, designed by nature, to stop words when speech becomes superfluous." - Ingrid Bergman
Summary: "Remus?" "Yes, Tonks?" "Are you going to kiss me?" "Yes, Tonks." "Oh. Okay, then."
Author’s Note: Fluff ahead! I did two versions; the first in pencil, and the second is my first-ever digital attempt! I don't have Photoshop or anything, so I used Gimp at the advice of my sister (since it's free). I have no idea how to really use these programs, so please go easy on me. ;) LJ wouldn't let me upload after several tries so I'm using my Photobucket account (that nobody looks at--usually just for work) to upload and then post here (whew!).
Pencil Version:
Digital Version: (I just couldn't resist that little ivy thing!) I realize it's really rough, but as a very first attempt with almost no knowledge for the program... I kinda like it! Well, I love those ivy things, anyway. ;)