
Jan 02, 2007 17:33

Title: Stubborn
Author: bratty_jedi (Rachael)
Format: Double Drabble (195 words)
Rating: All Audiences
Prompt: January 1 (picture of the rainy beach)
Warning: None
Summary: He knew she would want to walk barefoot in the sand. She always did.
Disclaimer: I own none of this. J. K. Rowling and assorted companies including but not limited to Bloomsbury, ( Read more... )

prompt 1, bratty_jedi

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Comments 21

devonwood January 3 2007, 00:10:45 UTC
:D I love the ending. Very nice! :)


bratty_jedi January 3 2007, 15:36:32 UTC
Thanks so much :) I think the last line is my favorite so I'm glad you like the ending.


jncar January 3 2007, 00:41:13 UTC
So cute that he takes off his shoes for her so that she can vicariously experience the sand under her feet. A very sweet Remus-y thing to do. :)


bratty_jedi January 3 2007, 15:38:11 UTC
I'm happy this seems in-character and sweet. Thank you!


kileaiya January 3 2007, 00:49:54 UTC
Aw, Remus is just so sweet. Lovely little drabble. :D


bratty_jedi January 3 2007, 15:39:01 UTC
Thanks, Jo! Hooray for story ideas that randomly pop into my head while soaking in a bath tub!


godricgal January 3 2007, 04:30:49 UTC
I really like this, Rachael. It speaks of a very close relationship; there is the element of silly - which I always like - but it's grounded in knowing each other so very well. Just lovely.


bratty_jedi January 3 2007, 15:45:40 UTC
Awww... thanks. With both their personalities, I think as long as times are good things would generally have an element of silly. How could they not?

I wanted them to be casual and comfortable because they know each other so well so I'm very pleased that element of closeness and familiarity with each other came through.


auror_ithilien January 3 2007, 05:57:51 UTC
The interaction in here is perfect. I could see both of them acting that way.
And I happen to know just how Tonks feels.


bratty_jedi January 3 2007, 15:49:07 UTC
Thanks! I am always oh so happy when someone says my characters seem in-character. That seems to me to be one of the most important aspects of being a fanfic writer.

I can't say I've ever wanted to walk barefoot in cold, wet sand. Cool, damp sand on a hot day, however, is heavenly!


auror_ithilien January 3 2007, 23:48:40 UTC
I've never walked barefoot in cold wet sand either. I have however worn flip flops out on a cold rainy day because I can't stand to wear shoes.


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