Fic: The Man and the Wolf for anna_bm

Dec 14, 2008 16:24

Title: The Man and the Wolf
Author: tiger_flame
Beta: goddessriss
Written for: anna_bm
Rating: G
Prompt: Remus and Padfoot interaction
Summary: Sirius decides to keep Remus company before the Change an Padfoot and controls the Wolf during the full moon.
Any other notes, warnings, etc.: Hope you like this! I wrote the wolf/Padfoot interaction and then realized you wanted Padfoot/Remus interaction and added the first bit...hope it's okay! (thanks for the extension mods!!)

Sirius is halfway to the door before either James or Peter notice. “I’m going to keep Moony company before the Change. It must get lonely, waiting for us...” he explains before either can ask.

James raises an eyebrow at Sirius, who looks away before his face flushes. Peter just shrugs and goes back to his potions homework. “Fine,” James relents. “We’ll see you in a bit.”

Sirius rushes out of the dormitory and down the stairs. Using the passageways they’ve known about for years, he makes his way outside without anyone seeing him. Soon he’s Padfoot, running across the grounds towards the Whomping Willow, the setting sun streaking the sky with reds and purples. Changing back, he uses a long stick to prod the knot and remembers why they had been so glad Peter's animagus form was a small animal.

Once the tree stills, he dashes inside and down the passageway. He stays in Padfoot’s form as he comes into the shack. Inhaling, he can tell that Remus hasn’t changed yet. Good. He pulls himself out of his dog form and walks over to Remus.


Remus is glaring at Sirius through the smoke his fags have left in the room, but there is a small smile hidden in scared face. “What are you doing here? If I chan-”

“I can become Padfoot faster then you become the Wolf. Don’t worry,” Sirius says and sidles up to where Remus is on the torn couch. “Besides...when else can we get some time alone?”

Remus scoffs and turns his head. “Riiight. Right before my body rips itself apart and becomes a monster is the perfect time for us to snog.”

“You’re not a monster! How many times do I have to tell you that?!” Sirius pushes himself onto the floor and kneels in front of Remus. “Come on Moony! Why won’t you believe me?”

Remus laughs darkly and takes a drag from the fag that hangs from between his long fingers. “Because if you ever set me loose I’d either kill someone or make them like me. This is no life, Sirius. Trying to live a months worth of days in only 26? Locking yourself up every full moon, knowing the horrible things you’d do if you got out...” Remus’s voice trails off and he taps the ash off his fag on the ground, then takes one last drag before stubbing it out on the arm of the couch.

Sirius reaches out to Remus, cupping the other boy’s face in his hand. Remus leans into the touch and sighs. “I don’t have a shack and a Forest back home,” he whispers softly. “I- I have a shed, with chains in it, Sirius... Lots of chains that I’ve broken before... I am a monster...”

Sirius softly shushes Remus and leans forward, kissing him. “You are my Moony...”

Remus wraps his arms around Sirius and pulls him closer. He hugs him close for a few seconds before seeing the sun has set. Cursing softly, Remus gently pushes Sirius away. Standing, he starts to strip. He folds the clothes and puts them on a high shelf where the Wolf won’t be able to destroy them. Remus turns back to Sirius as he sits back down on the couch. “Change to Padfoot now...I don’t want to risk anything...”

Sirius wants to protest, but knows that it won’t do any good. Instead he leans forward, wraps a hand around the back of Remus’s neck and kisses him on the mouth.

Remus smiles into the kiss but pulls away quickly. He looks at Sirius with pleading eyes and Sirius changes.

Refusing to stay on the floor, Sirius gets on to the couch and snuggles up with Remus, keeping him warm on the cool October night. He uses his nose to push Remus’s hand on him and whines, pleading with him to pet him.

Remus chuckles and Sirius’s heart soars. As Remus absent-mindedly pets him, Sirius remembers why he likes being Padfoot.

When he’s Padfoot, they don’t have to worry when they snuggle. Remus loves to be touched, but it’s considered strange if they snuggle or hug or touch when they are both boys in the dorm. If he’s Padfoot, he can just be the stray they’ve smuggled in and he can touch Remus as much as he needs.

He moves a bit, getting himself as close to Remus as possible. Woofing softly, he rubs his head against Remus’s stomach, trying to make Remus pay attention to him.

Remus chuckles again, and continues to pet Padfoot's soft black fur. “Thank you,” he says softly and looks down at the dog sprawled on his lap. He opens his mouth to say something more, but a ray of moonlight hits him and his body shudders.

Sirius jumps back and looks at Remus, whining. He paws the floor, but watches as Remus’s body trembles and jerks. Suddenly, Remus stiffens and then curls in on himself. His friend’s legs and arms get shorter, his face longer and fur sprouts from his body...

~ * ~ * ~

The wolf likes this pack. Yes, he likes this pack a great deal. He isn’t trapped in the wooden cage (house the Other part tried to say) with only himself and great wooden stones (furniture the Other said) to fight. Oh no. Here, with this pack, the wolf can run outside. He can chase things. He can chase the little one (NO! the Other screams, unsuccessfully trying to get the wolf to stop). He can run so fast and for so long, chasing, finally stretching long, cramped legs - only to be met with the rack of hard antlers from the large not-wolf-but-pack.

The wolf doesn’t mind, this time. He spins around and heads off into a different direction, a growl of satisfaction in his throat as the wind brings the almost-wolf’s scent to him (the Other is both happy and worried, and the wolf pushes it away). This is good. The black almost-wolf is strong, and fast. It can keep up with the wolf with ease, making the running, dodging, hiding, freedom all the better. The wolf runs and then suddenly veers to the right, climbing up hard stone to wait for the almost-wolf to run by. A black shape rushes by, and the wolf jumps down, just missing it. The almost-wolf snaps around and the wolf can tell it’s afraid. Revelling in this, the wolf slowly moves forward. There’s tension in the air, but the almost-wolf stands his ground.

Slowly... slowly the wolf moves forward and then suddenly springs. The almost-wolf raises up on hind paws and bats the wolf on the side of the head, changing his direction and making it fall to the ground. In a blur of black there is something on the wolf’s back. He fights, thrashing in hopes of throwing the almost-wolf off- for it is stronger! But it doesn’t work. There is triumph from the Other and the wolf growls. The almost-wolf’s jaws are around the wolf’s throat now and it’s over. The wolf angrily lays down and shows the almost-wolf as much of his stomach as he can while his throat is still trapped in another’s jaws.

The almost-wolf growls once more, showing his dominance and then backs away from the wolf, watching to make sure he stays down. He stays down for a few moments and then meekly gets up, hanging his head and not looking at the almost-wolf. He’s surprised the punishment wasn’t worse for trying to change the order of the pack, but is glad nonetheless. The wolf turns around and sees that the large and small not-wolf-but-pack have entered the clearing. A thought flits through the wolf’s mind but before it’s formed the last rays of the moon disappeared as it sets and the wolf howls as he’s forced inside the Other once again...

“Moony!” Sirius cries as he changes mid-leap into a teenager. “Moony! Oh come on, that time didn’t seem so bad...” Sirius’s voice carries worry as he starts to mumble the few healing charms he’s had Madam Pomfrey teach him. “Come on...” he murmurs softly, trying to hide how intense his feelings are from the approaching James and Peter.

Sirius turns to James, noticing that while he was graceful in his stag form, he was still the all arms and legs of a growing teenager when he wasn’t a stag. Peter though, seemed to have stopped growing last year and was soon going to be a head shorter than any of them. “James, mate, help me get him back to the shack. I’ve done all that I can, but for some reason he seems to be taking this one really hard...”

As he and James pick up a too-light Remus, Sirius’s mind flits to the possibility of becoming a Healer... The ability to take care of Remus forever seems too good to brush off. The sun rises as they slowly get Remus back to the shack and hide when Madam Pomfrey comes to get him. Seeing her fix the bruises and cuts easily sets the idea in Sirius's head. He is going to talk to her soon as he can. If he can take care of Remus forever... everything will be okay.

2008, rated g, fic

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