Day 24 - Art: Team AU: Motor City Jazz

Oct 24, 2010 13:08

Team: AU
Title: Motor City Jazz
Rating: PG
Warnings: fluff, interrupted
Genre(s): romance, mystery
Media: Photoshop
Summary: Art students in 70's Detroit, Remus is amazed when the hot guy in the photo department asks him out. Sirius and Remus head for the Weather Report concert, part of the '77 Detroit Jazz Festival
Notes: many thanks to my team ( Read more... )

team au, rs_games 2010, art

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Comments 17

floatingskyfish October 24 2010, 18:25:07 UTC
So well drawn! I absolutely love your style.


iheartremus09 October 24 2010, 18:44:50 UTC
This was really cool and different. I liked the comic book style a lot. I only wish that there was a part two because I really would like to know what happened. It was so exciting.


forest_rose October 24 2010, 19:25:30 UTC
I love the style of this! So innovative.


ceredwensirius October 24 2010, 20:13:07 UTC
I've been staring at this for awhile to catch all the little details like Peter in the doorway as a rat and James and Lily in the crowd. The theme you pulled together with the weather was clever, with the band's name and the news paper and then the clouds clearing to reveal the mood. This piece tells a unique story which I really love.

I think this might be my favorite piece yet and that's saying a lot because there has been so great art submissions.

Wonderful job!


bookgrrrl2006 October 24 2010, 20:31:47 UTC
this is very clever and there is a lot to take in. i might not even have noticed the rat and james and lily were it not for the above commenter and i agree with whoever said that there should be more. there should be a lot more in fact. maybe even a whole graphic novel of this.

i had to laugh though because detroit seems a great place for a werewolf. you had to be tough to live there in the 1970's and remus would be perfect.

i loved this a lot.


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