Day 24 - Art: Team AU: Motor City Jazz

Oct 24, 2010 13:08

Team: AU
Title: Motor City Jazz
Rating: PG
Warnings: fluff, interrupted
Genre(s): romance, mystery
Media: Photoshop
Summary: Art students in 70's Detroit, Remus is amazed when the hot guy in the photo department asks him out. Sirius and Remus head for the Weather Report concert, part of the '77 Detroit Jazz Festival
Notes: many thanks to my team ( Read more... )

team au, rs_games 2010, art

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Comments 17

eprime October 24 2010, 22:14:14 UTC
Gorgeous piece! I'd love to see this explored in a longer comic, as well.


lilbitbord October 24 2010, 22:15:05 UTC
I really love this drawing! I love the story that is told and I love the comic book feel to it. But being from Detroit and knowing the history, I feel that I need to say this; (Not trying to bash the artist in anyway I think it's a great piece) but there was no Jazz festival in Detroit till 1980. And the Palace/National theatre was closed in 1975.

Sorry not trying to sound like a know-it-all or anything, I just know to much about my city.


werewolfsfan October 24 2010, 23:27:14 UTC
WOW! This is an original idea, very well executed and as has been said before, I want MOAR! Please!

The detail and universe building are excellent here. But the more that I look at this, the more I want to see more of their story.......... And your wonderful talent. PRETTY PLEASE!


remuslives23 October 25 2010, 00:26:54 UTC
Gorgeous! So much detail - it's fantastic!


secretsolitaire October 25 2010, 03:12:37 UTC
Wow, very cool! Love the style and the details. *mentally imagines what comes next -- I'm picturing something Cinderella-ish*


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