Team: Canon
Title: Stars When You Shine
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: not-terribly-graphic sex, swearing
Genre(s): Fluff/Romance + some Angst?
Word Count: 7598
Summary: When he is alone, the wolf and the potion waging war within his blood, Remus curls into his own head and imagines ways in which it happened.
Notes: Though the prompt pretty much indicated the Nina Simone version of Feelin' Good, I'm a huge Muse fan, and have drawn a lot of my inspiration from their cover of it instead. Also, I'm struggling to categorize this within the genre options that were given. I'd say it's more like Remus(+Sirius)-centric genfic, that happens to have elements of Remus/Sirius in it. IT'S MOSTLY JUST REMUS. I'M BAD WITH CATEGORIES.
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