Day 16 - Fic: Team Canon: A Blonde on My Trail

Oct 16, 2010 16:11

Team: Canon
Title: A Blonde on My Trail
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: F-bombs, blond!Rita and adopted kitties
Genre(s): Horror/Adventure, Humor/Crack
Word Count: 9,200
Summary: Rita Skeeter goes for a killer interview with the last surviving - and not incarcerated - Marauder.
Notes: 1. The title is from Hellhound on My Trail by Robert Johnson. 2. Sam is a character from Casablanca who constantly gets pestered by other characters to play something for them. 3. Sirius quotes Revelations, which is what they’ve done at a funeral in Domino. 4. I didn’t make up the crop duster story, but Grandpa Forrester is fictional. 5. Rita’s line about somber trumphets is, sadly, a memory quote from The Legend of Ice People by Margit Sandemo.
Prompt: 2

A Blonde on My Trail

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