Day 10 - Fic: Team Canon: The Machinery of Other Skeletons

Oct 10, 2010 15:09

Team: Canon
Title: The Machinery of Other Skeletons
Rating: R
Warnings: Involves sex - not particularly graphic or porny sex, but sex nonetheless. Physical violence (described after the event by Sirius).
Genre(s): Combination of angst and hurt/comfort.
Word Count: 3,328
Summary: Sirius has been on a mission for far longer than expected; when he returns, he has something unfortunate to tell Remus.
Notes: Two parts, the first being the main part of the fic and taking place in April '79 and the second being an epilogue, of sorts, and taking place in November '81. This fic started out as a completely different animal and has gone through several rewrites. I feel that Sirius would have had to have done something for Remus to be able to justify, to himself, not going after him in Azkaban or more heavily pleading his innocence, and I don't feel that infidelity would have been that something. The title comes from Ginsberg's "Howl." Thank you so much to my wonderful beta reader E!
Prompt: #23 - lyrics from 'Take This Longing' by Leonard Cohen

The Machinery of Other Skeletons

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