Team: Canon
Title: Freedom Is Mine
Rating: R
Warnings: Underage boys smoking, drinking, swearing and having a bit of sex.
Genre(s): Fluff/Romance
Word Count: 4,929
Summary: The Marauders go to Liverpool on the summer before sixth year. Peter is a stud, James realizes Lily is his true love, and Remus and Sirius share some things.
Notes: I’d like to say a huge thank you to
dear_tiger (I suppose it’s okay to put her name since I don’t usually use her as a beta) for helping me with this on such a short notice, it was great help! Also, I’m so proud of this. Even though I could probably read it a thousand times over and find a thousand things wrong with it, I’m quite happy.
#20 - lyrics from 'Feeling Good' by Nina Simone Freedom Is Mine Please Vote Below:
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