Day 2 - Fic: Team Canon : Absurd Joy

Oct 02, 2010 17:48

Team: Canon.
Title: Absurd Joy
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None, beyond some language (if that counts) and mentions of sex.
Genre(s): Fluff/Romance, with cameos of Hurt/Comfort.
Word Count: 8,355.
Summary: Sirius bartends in a Muggle bar, winter after graduation, and Remus spends his Saturday afternoons smoking on a high stool, drinking rum and tossing peanuts at him when he thinks he isn’t looking.
Notes: Right. The night before I was going to send my text in to beta, my laptop froze. Along with everything in it. A few days before deadline. So this was written in three nights on hot milk and M&Ms, and beta’d at lightspeed by the lovely M, who not only did a marvellous job but also kicked this into something vaguely resembling shape. (Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.) It answers the prompt in two completely different ways, and I still think it’s rather strange, but - there you have it.
Prompt: 11

Absurd Joy

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