Day 1 - Fic: Team Star: Any Other Night

Oct 01, 2015 11:05

Team: Star
Title: Any Other Night
Rating: R
Warnings: Some sex, some attention paid to the darker aspects of the R/S relationship
Word Count: 6,845
Summary: In 1977, Remus and Sirius set about trying to kill the moon, and years later, in Azkaban, Sirius reflects on this and on his damaged relationship with Remus.
Notes: This fic switches between two times and places (Hogwarts in the 70’s and Azkaban in the 80’s and early 90’s) as well as switching between two states of mind, so it’s a little bit of an experiment. And by experiment, I mean that things get a bit trippy when the boys look skyward.
The line of poetry Sirius alters comes from “The Freedom of the Moon” by Robert Frost.
Prompt: 51 "There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls." - George Carlin

Any Other Night

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