For our final week, the theme shall be:
This theme is very special, as it would require you to make an icon that is of 200x200 size. The general theme would be FINALE, or anything that would indicate the end or finality of something; as I thought it would be quite apt for this special week of ours. I really do urge you all to submit so we can end this with a bang; think of it like one last gift to say goodbye.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
-Each participant may submit two icons total.
-You may not show your icon, advertise it, put it up in your icon journal, or use it as your userpic during the challange period.
-The icon(s), as much as possible, must be newly made and not older than 7 days.
-It is all right to submit your icon(s) in another icontest, just as long as both themes hold voting during the same days. Please notify me if you do so by leaving a note alongside your submission.
-Your icon(s) must be recently made (7 days old or less) to fit the theme. If a re-used icon is submitted, the mod in charge of that week will ask you to make another one.
-Submit your icon(s) in the following format:
URL: Kidd, Dante Sparda, Furiae, Cloud Strife
Series: Chrono Cross, Devil May Cry, Drakengard I, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Texture: _____
Please comment, with your icon, to this screened post by THURSDAY, October 11, at 10PM EST. I'm giving two weeks for submission, in the hope that we'll have more submissions.
Good luck and happy iconing!