Week 99: Winners

Sep 30, 2007 15:54


by zanisha {Cain; Drakenguard}


by lufiamanaelf {Harle; Chrono Cross}


by eowynjedi {Carth Onasi; Knights of the Old Republic}

Congratulations to the winners!

I am sad to announce that Week 100 will be the last week for our beloved rpg_icontest. I've been participating in this community since its third week, and it's sad to see that not as many people are interested in participating anymore. I, along with my fellow moderators, decided it would be best to close down this community instead of letting it go on at this horrible state. I hope you all understand.

With this, I'd like to say that the final theme will be posted shortly; and as it is our 100th week, it will have a special twist, as always.

gunshou is up for banners this week, since snm_queen seems to be MIA :/

Banners Pending:
1. Week 34: lufiamanaelf
2. Week 50: punchbiopsy
3. Week 96: marysia

To the bannermakers, I urge you to complete these before the end of our 100th week.

Thank you.

banner reminders, winners

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