ok, so this isn't exactly discussing game issues, but i feel this discussion needs to be made. McCain launches an attack on a specific group of people without a real connection being made, and i'm wondering if anyone can shine some light on this.
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Comments 53
By and large, D&D players are seen as kind of pathetic. Really, they mock us. Smart & geeky, sure, but to "the masses" D&D players are not cool or froody. The fact that Obama supportors (according to Gallup) are more educated than McCain supporters on average provides the slime that is the Republican party fertile ground to dismiss anyone supporting Obama as a smart, but pathetic loser ( ... )
Not all Republicans are insipid caricatures whose hobbies include muhahaha handwringing.
Hell, my husband's Republican -- and plays D&D. And he wasn't happy about Goldfarb's comments either.
If you're a Republican and don't like me bashing that party's tactics, I can get that, but please, no endless arguments here. I think Republicans are absolute slime. At best, they're merely ignorant fools led by the nose - at worst, they are two-faced liars who care nothing for anything right, good or holy in this world. So now you know how I feel. If you feel the same way about me, cool, I know how you feel, but I seriously doubt a 'net forum is going to change either of our outlooks. Let us loathe each other without going round and round and round and round and round about how much of an idiot the other is.
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Personally I find both parties to be horrible right-wing groups with just a little varience to give the illusion of change.
Come the glorious revolution the US can get a democracy put in place and dump the current electoral system. Then you can be just like us and have four parties who just steal each other's policies in a complicated dance while calling each other names and booing each other in debate chambers. We also have a spare politician so if you need a new leader we are giving away "Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson".
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Our media and Hollywood elite have worked very hard to make it appear just that way, but it's not backed up by the facts. Just look at the current ads. Obama and McCain are pretty even steven on the mud slinging. The only difference is Obama promised he wouldn't.
Another cause for that appearance is the difference in political savvy between our last Democrat and our last Republican. Trust me, the Clintons are filthy. But they're also brilliant. Bush... not so much.
I laugh every time I hear 'The Media' blamed for bad coverage of a political party or a political figure. From what I can see from this side of the pond the US popular media has a distinct Republican bias, but that may just be my perception. The Tory party in Britain blamed 'The Media' for making them look like they were mud-slinging in the '97 election. It didn't help that Blair was running a clean campaign trading on his (realtive) youth and ideas and the Tories were running a poster campaign showing blair with demonic eyes.
This side of the pond we are hearing a lot about Obama touring forign cities to massive cheering crowds, and about his policies. All are hearing about the McCain campaign is his gaffs, and not a lot else as there dosn't appear to be much else to report ("McCain has no new policies" and "McCain still alive" are not really stories). As such the media abroad which has little bias (I will not say "no bias" because that is impossible ( ... )
Yes, Obama has certainly done his share of gaffe-making. Of course, I don't know anything, I'm too busy bitterly clinging to my guns and my religion to know anything about politics. :P
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