Dec 01, 2009 23:03
- 21:15 #iconicgamequotes It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum. #
- 21:20 #iconicgamequotes Would you kindly.... #
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Nov 28, 2009 23:04
- 18:02 first time in about two weeks where i don't have to rush around anywhere. time to play some xbox. #
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Nov 26, 2009 23:04
- 20:43 Thanksgiving learned: I have learned never to make a gravy from the drippings of a roasted turkey that was brined. #
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Nov 25, 2009 23:04
- 00:07 Total time converting from WinXP to Win7: 37 mins. Of course, I use mainly PortableApps, keep data on other drive, and use Steam for games. #
- 00:32 Let me append that - Win7 is 85% back to being usable. It'll take an hour or 2 to download Java, Flash, remove IE, change permissions, etc. #
- 16:42 I have a couple of Google Wave invites.
( Read more... )
Nov 22, 2009 23:00
- 23:47 I'm at a party where there is a anime woman and a girl wearing a shoe on her head. This why you shouldn't play kings. Just, wow. #mwff #
- 22:56 #Deadhorse party has got two noise complaints so far and it feels like a sauna. However it was on of the best game of kings in a long time. #
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Nov 21, 2009 23:00
- 14:36 The zerohour parry proves the us nothing you can mix with everclear. At least not wisely. #mwff #
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Nov 20, 2009 23:01
- 10:29 Con day two! #mwff #
- 17:24 So far, the con is going well. Hooked up with good friends and meet some new folks that are just great. Worth the trip so far. #mwff #
- 21:14 Canada party! Let me know if you want to party up north! #mwff #
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Nov 19, 2009 23:01
- 13:27 I am at the con! #
- 14:14 Made it to the con. Let me know if you need to find me. #mwff #
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