Title: San Quintin, Mexico
Author: Vesica
Rating: R
Word Count: 200
The Porn Battle (Best of Three) Fandom, Pairing & Prompt: BtVS/Veronica Mars, Faith/Weevil, doing time
tthdrabbles Challenge: #47: Inclement Weather
Fic-For-All Pairing: Faith/Weevil (Veronica Mars)
Disclaimer: Just a bit of mucking about in other people’s sandboxes.
Summary: They might be out, but they are still doing time.
She was surprised she recognized him on the outside.
They’d eyed each other a few times through the fence separating the men’s and women’s yards, but that was it.
It was at a dingy bar and for a moment thought she must be mistaken, but he nodded in greeting and she figured what the hell.
Seems they both saw the irony in the name of this tiny town. There’s nothing here; the tourists just whiz on by and they like it that way.
Sure, most of the year is so hot you think you eyeballs are going to melt, but there’s always icy-cold beers or the Pacific swells or the dark cool of his shack on the beach.
They spend hours in his bed, watching shadows, listening to the faint crash of the waves, and finding new ways to forget.
The sex is amazing - an amusing on-going power struggle between them - and it’s easier than talking.
What’s there to say?
He loves a dead girl and she won’t admit she’s loved anyone.
Besides, they both know that the way life moves on while you’re on the inside means no matter where you go, it’s just another way of doing time.