Just Sayin’ - BtVS/SGA - Faith/Carson Beckett - PG

Oct 12, 2006 23:40

Title: Just Sayin’
Author: Vesica
Rating: FR-13/PG
Fandom/Characters: BtVS/Stargate SGA
Fic-For-All Pairing: Faith & Carson Beckett
tthdrabbles Challenge: #43: Thirteen
Disclaimer: Just a bit of mucking about in other people’s sandboxes.
Word count: 200 (maybe - stupid Word word count)
Summary: She’s no doctor but…

“It may be awhile before she-”

Faith jerked awake at the feel of something being pressed against her skin. She started to struggle when Sheppard came into focus.

“Easy now. You took a Wraith stunner pretty hard.”

Carson looked at Faith as if she’d just risen from the dead. “That’s incredible. I’ve never seen someone recover so quickly. How long did it take you to get back through the gate?”

Sheppard shrugged, “Maybe twelve, thirteen minutes…”

“It’s bloody amazing.”

“Nah, just Slayer healing,” Faith said trying to sit up until a sharp pain in her side stopped her.

Carson carefully eased her shirt up, pressing lightly at the large, darkening bruise.

Sheppard winced in sympathy. “You fell on a rock.”

Carson continued gently prodding as Faith shrugged. “No blood, no bone sticking out - I’m fine.”

“Slayer healing or no, you’re not fine. You may have broken something and your pulse is all over the place.”

“Well,” Faith offered, a devilish gleam in her eye, “that could be because there’s a hottie with the dead sexy accent feeling me up right now.”

Sheppard coughed to hide a laugh as Carson’s face slowly turned pink.

“Just sayin’,” Faith added almost innocently.


fandom - stargate atlantis, fandom - buffyverse, characters - faith (btvs), x-posted - tthdrabbles, x-posted - twisting the hellmouth

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