Title: Stealing a Break
Word count: 200
Fandom: BtVS/Fables
Characters: Anya, Jack
Challenge: Challenge #18: The Elements - Earth
She was watching him. Women tended to do that.
He casually looked over, their eyes meeting. She looked away quickly, scanning the other customers, before shyly returning to him.
He threw her a lopsided grin. Nice to know he wasn’t losing his touch.
A customer approached her and she dutifully listened to endless stream of questions about the ideal tools for meditation. She led the woman from one set of shelves to another, pointing out various objects of interest.
He casually strolled back toward his target and pretended to browse until she was intent on ringing up the purchase.
In less than a minute, he was out the door and on his way Hollywood, to a brighter future he hoped
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Anya looked around but the man was gone.
He was attractive, in a rugged, impoverished sort of way, but that rakish grin said he knew it and played it for all he was worth.
She checked the shelf he had returned to again and again.
Stupid bastard.
He had stolen a luck coin. What kind of idiot didn’t know that stealing one reversed the effect?
At least she wasn’t losing her touch. She could spot a shoplifter at thirty paces.
Originally Posted: August 13th 2005