Apr 17, 2011 14:17

April 8: Began re-reading Lolita. I need to take breaks in between chapters and pages, sometimes even in between paragraphs, because of how overwhelmingly beautiful it is.

Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.
      She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita.
      All at once we were madly, clumsily, shamelessly, agonizingly in love with each other; hopelessly, I should add, because that frenzy of mutual possession might have been assuaged only by our actually imbibing and assimilating every particle of each other's soul and flesh.
What drives me insane is the twofold nature of this nymphet--of every nymphet, perhaps; this mixture in my Lolita of tender dreamy childishness and a kind of eerie vulgarity, stemming from the snub-nosed cuteness of ads and magazine pictures, from the blurry pinkness of adolescent maidservants in the Old Country (smelling of crushed daisies and sweat); and from very young harlots disguised as children in provincial brothels; and then again, all this gets mixed up with the exquisite stainless tenderness seeping through the musk and the mud, through the dirt and the death, oh God, oh, God. And what is most singular is that she, this Lolita, my Lolita, has individualized the writer's ancient lust, so that above and over everything there is--Lolita.

April 9: Little Baby Freyja.

April 10: My favorite mug. It says, "Le Mer et la Terre."

April 11: Nothing interesting.

April 13: Lj texted me after class asking if I wanted to go get frozen yogurt with her--as if she had to ask. I got guanabana with mango, strawberry, and marshmallows.

She got mango with kiwi, strawberry, and chocolate chips.

April 14: Secret of Kells Party Day!
Sarah and I planned, along with our Relics & Pilgrimages professor (Dr. Gerson), a little Secret of Kells screening at the Fine Arts building. It's the fictionalized tale of how the Book of Kells was created.

I made these funfetti cupcakes, which Lj decorated, and macaroons.

She also made delicious brownie cupcakes.

Afterwards we went to an Art Education potluck at Kate's house. It was a nice evening.

April 15: Every year, FSU has this little Spring Fling event, but I'd never gone. Sarah and I figured, since it's our last year, that we might as well go and see what it was like. While I got on no rides (I am deathly afraid of carnival rides), I had a lot of fun, along with a free chocolate & peanut butter cupcake from Lucy and Leo's.

Anissa wouldn't let me take any more pictures of her :[

But then she did again :]


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