SpNBB2014: (You) Under My Skin

Jun 26, 2014 20:34

Title: (You) Under My Skin
Author: roxy
Pairings: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R
Word Count: 38773

Link to art: click for the wonderful art by yanyan!

Summary: By the twenty-first century, Wilkkind (or wilks, or wolves) had, on the whole, fully integrated with human society: lived in their cities, went to their schools, worked alongside them at their jobs, while still maintaining most of their own moral and legal codes. The integration was seamless, successful, and unknown to humankind. For most of Wilkkind, it worked just fine. Wilk Jared PadAlecki, on the other hand, was having just a bit of trouble. Spelled "Jensen."

Notes/Warnings: not very graphic reference to rape, non-consensual sex.

Thank you, firesign10, for your heroic beta work, pushing it right to the wire for me! Thanks for helping to make this readable-folks, any mistakes to be found are because I couldn't stop messing with it. Thank you also gingersnap1224, for giving it an eye and holding my hand. :)
Thank you also to my artist, yanyann for your totally adorable artwork! Thanks for being so positive about this story! ♥
And finally, thanks to wendy, who's a great cheerleader and a calming influence. Each year, you made me feel that taking the leap was the smart thing to do! ♥
Shout out to Warren Zevon, RIP, man--without you, I'd be lost for chapter headers. I've come back to Werewolves of London over and over because it's *perfect*. :)

And of course, toldthestars, always and forever.

+Chapter One+ ChapterTwo+
Chapter Three+ Chapter Four+
fic on AO3

spnbb2014, spn fic: (you) under my skin

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