I have bought a couple more dragons, but they're still gonna be ten days before I can breed 'em* -- the auction house is flooded with hatchlings, but very few adults (and it's a pain to look for them because there's no search by age or breeding status function. Poor li'l underdeveloped site. :)
* teeeechnically I could breed them to each other in a week, but I got them to breed with my progenitors, so ... must. Be. Patient. :D
Yeah I held off from breeding my progenitors so I have staggered breedings. I have a clutch that will hatch tomorrow and a set of parents who can breed tomorrow. In 10 days I can breed another pair.
I think once you get into the rhythm of it you'll have hatchlings coming out of your ears... :D
Thank you! I love how she looks. *proud mama* I envision her brother fighting to prove himself in the coliseum so that he may achieve exaltation and the company of people who won't judge him by his pink wings. :D
Comments 17
* teeeechnically I could breed them to each other in a week, but I got them to breed with my progenitors, so ... must. Be. Patient. :D
I think once you get into the rhythm of it you'll have hatchlings coming out of your ears... :D
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