I have bought a couple more dragons, but they're still gonna be ten days before I can breed 'em* -- the auction house is flooded with hatchlings, but very few adults (and it's a pain to look for them because there's no search by age or breeding status function. Poor li'l underdeveloped site. :)
* teeeechnically I could breed them to each other in a week, but I got them to breed with my progenitors, so ... must. Be. Patient. :D
Yeah I held off from breeding my progenitors so I have staggered breedings. I have a clutch that will hatch tomorrow and a set of parents who can breed tomorrow. In 10 days I can breed another pair.
I think once you get into the rhythm of it you'll have hatchlings coming out of your ears... :D
My FR account is the same as my LJ account, take a look at my brood if you want. :) The four unnamed shadow dragons are pretty well untouched, if any of them strike your fancy. Auremarc, Sanguinimbus, and Verdicane only go as a trio, they're a storm themed team, lightning, water, and wind, so they have to stay together. :D
Nephrite and Jadeite are my progenitors, otherwise I'd pass them along. Malachite is one of theirs, he could be available too. I'll see if Merry or Okojo want any of them too. :)
* teeeechnically I could breed them to each other in a week, but I got them to breed with my progenitors, so ... must. Be. Patient. :D
I think once you get into the rhythm of it you'll have hatchlings coming out of your ears... :D
Nephrite and Jadeite are my progenitors, otherwise I'd pass them along. Malachite is one of theirs, he could be available too. I'll see if Merry or Okojo want any of them too. :)
Hunter is settling into his new clan nicely. Cloudkeeper has taken him under her wing. :)
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