Some Things Never Change

Mar 25, 2008 11:44

My bank recently started using a software product called "ImageNow ( Read more... )

life, computers, work

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Comments 17

shockwave77598 March 25 2008, 17:36:00 UTC
I think what you will see next is TAGGING files, putting in a markup keyword as you push the data into the computer. Directories have fewer branchs that way. But it requires a change in the structure of the data systems currently in place, and we both know how companies hate doing that.


rowyn March 25 2008, 18:34:27 UTC
I don't think they're going to do away with the directory structure (ever); mostly I'm rooting for better search methods and maybe a layer between me and the tree, so that I don't *have* to look at the things myself anymore. ;)


level_head March 25 2008, 19:25:26 UTC
The Brain, from, works in just the sort of free-form way you're describing. You've seen me use it, and I've been using it every day for more than a decade now.

The graphical interface of connections is just very nice for following lines of thought -- hence the name.

===|==============/ Level Head


terrycloth March 25 2008, 17:52:56 UTC
I heard rumors that Vista was supposed to have a file system like that, but it ran into problems and had to be cut.

Macs do have some fairly advanced file indexing and searching, although the program saving the files has to put in and interpret the metadata with a sherlock plugin (or whatever they're calling it now).


tetsujinnooni March 25 2008, 18:23:59 UTC
WinFS got cut from Vista in 2004. Project has been dark since about 2006. Timeline and overview of what they were working on is over here at wikipedia:

Pity it got cut, but the level of complexity in making it the full filesystem for a computer is... technically daunting, as their team blog (linked from Wikipedia) makes fairly clear.


rowyn March 25 2008, 18:47:07 UTC
See, now, that would be cool.

Can't really blame them for not being able to pull it off. Backwards compatibility ... yiiiii.


rowyn March 25 2008, 18:55:01 UTC
Part of me keeps thinking "Why couldn't they have come up with something better than directory trees back at the dawn of computing?" But 1960s-era computers and programmers probably couldn't have handled anything much fancier. Heh, compared to the joys of punchcards, this seems like a trivial gripe indeed.

"When I was a kid, we had 8-character filenames and we LIKED it!"


sebkha March 25 2008, 17:56:02 UTC
I use the Spotlight Comments field in OS X to tag my files. Subsequently searching by keyword for images in the Coverflow view ends up being pretty slick.


rowyn March 25 2008, 18:26:10 UTC
Well, Windoze stole everything else from Apple, presumably they'll figure this one out eventually. ;)


tetsujinnooni March 25 2008, 18:52:45 UTC
windows - icons - mouse - pointer was stolen from Xerox PARC, not Apple.

Apple stole it from the same place.

Just to put the UI blame where it belongs.... *grin*


rowyn March 25 2008, 19:15:05 UTC
Really? I thought Apple stole it from Xerox and then Microsoft stole it from Apple. Did Microsoft hear about it from Xerox first?


krud42 March 26 2008, 14:05:22 UTC
Yeah, I think Vista has implemented something like this, but I personally don't care for it. Not just because I'm irrationally averse to change (though I'm sure that's a large part of it), but because not only does it feel as though it's merely an overlay on the existing wonky structure, but it feels like hand-holding to me, and I hate that in an operating system. I've become rather self-sufficient over the years when working with computers, and most attempts by operating systems to "make things easier" on me just serves to annoy me. And I don't just mean Clippy and his ilk. (Hmmm... I may have to write an entire entry about this ( ... )


krud42 March 28 2008, 04:02:22 UTC
RYN: Yeah, you miss out on a crapload of "faves only" entries as a result, too. :\


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