Tuesday night is the loneliest night of the week [open]

Jul 08, 2009 02:14

Who: Cordy and Mikney
What: Traveling down to the fork
When: Tuesday
Where: On the southern road

Cordy trudged along a ways behind the group. She was beginning to rethink everything: telling Mikney where they were going, telling Mikney to talk to them about the allies-thing, and agreeing to go explore the road with them. Cherry had made it painfully clear that she didn't want her along and Sonic didn't seem too crazy to have her there either. Cordelia hated awkward situations, and she had planted herself right in the middle of one. Further, she hated being disliked. Not that anyone was crazy about the concept, but when Cordy knew someone didn't like her, it drove her mad. And now, she felt madness coming on.

To this end, she snuck up behind Mikney and grabbed him by the sleeve, tugging on him lightly to suggest that he lag behind the group. "Slow down," she whispered up to him. "I want to talk to you."

npc, cordy estwynde, npc: mikney

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