The Hardy Boys and the Mystery of Where the Elves Live

Jul 08, 2009 00:46

Who: Hood and Bret, NPC Elves, most likely
What: ADVENTURE TIME Exploring near the city center
Where: ...near the city center
When: Tuesday afternoon

Hood has been going a little stir-crazy. Since Mikney forbade him to write (with good reason, shit, if he's accidentally casting spells. How is that even possible?) the seeming need to do so has only increased.

He digs his right thumb into his left palm, rubbing firm circles until the pressure eases.

It's also cut him off from the rest of the city, in a way; for he can read the few entries that others have made in the journals, but he can't respond or ask any questions. The sylph thing bothers him, but so far his tried and true approach of wandering through the city and randomly finding Mikney has proved fruitless.

All the elves seem a bit more scarce lately, and Hood wonders why. Something is happening, and he wants to get to the bottom of it. He's pretty sure that the city center is the place to look for answers, if only he can find a way in. But he also learned a lesson from the forest, and he doesn't want to go alone. Not if he doesn't have to.

Without the journal, Hood doesn't exactly know who to ask or where to find them. He's only met a couple of people in person.

But there was only one who really listened to him.

He walks through what he figures is the residential area of town, and even though it's late afternoon, he still feels bad for this; but he can think of no faster way to find someone without the journal.

"Bret!" he yells, scanning the walkways and buildings for an answer. "Hey, Bret, are you around?"

bret mcclegnie, jacob hood, npc: devorah, npc

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