The Hardy Boys and the Mystery of Where the Elves Live

Jul 08, 2009 00:46

Who: Hood and Bret, NPC Elves, most likely
What: ADVENTURE TIME Exploring near the city center
Where: ...near the city center
When: Tuesday afternoon


bret mcclegnie, jacob hood, npc: devorah, npc

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Comments 59

weedyshyguy July 8 2009, 06:21:28 UTC
Bret is, in fact, around. He's two buildings down, leaned up against a wall. He's been strumming on his lute all day. It had seemed a waste to actually bother playing, what with there being so few people around. Even the elves have thinned out. He's beginning to see what Cris was talking about. This place is horribly dreary.

Still though, he feels kind of like a street performer, sitting here. Like a Mariachi or something. He's always kind of wanted to give that sort of thing a try. It'd probably work better if there were people, though. And money.

He's completely zoned out when Hood starts screaming his name. Shaken suddenly from his daydreams (about fashioning a sombrero out of his extra clothes), he jumps to his feet, holding his lute out as if it was a weapon.

Spotting Hood, he immediately drops the lute back to his side. Murmuring an apology for disrespecting his instrument, he waves a bit at the man down the street from him.

"Hi. I thought you might've died," he shouted, his tone rather mild.


itworks_bitches July 8 2009, 06:37:34 UTC
"Apparently not," Hood replies, smiling a little. He hadn't realized it, but he'd missed Bret's flair for understatement.

It's a little awkward now, because Hood doesn't feel like he can just come out and say "Hey, I'm breaking into the city center and I want you to come with." Somehow, he feels that Bret would be less than receptive.

"Walk with me?" he asks, keeping it casual. He has just, for all intents and purposes, risen from the dead; and it might be wise to try and win back Bret's trust before enlisting him on a risky expedition. "How've you been?"


weedyshyguy July 8 2009, 06:55:21 UTC
Bret nods and approaches closer, a bit wary. The last time he'd presumed someone was dead, they'd broken off their friendship. Given, Jemaine was a rather stubborn guy and chances are Hood is much more mature. He's still a bit nervous about losing his new friend. Again.

Waiting for Hood to lead the way, he says, "Good, I guess. I almost had a threesome with some lesbians. But you know. They're lesbians."

Shrug, "Anyway. It's good to see you again." He figures it's probably best if he doesn't ask what happened.


itworks_bitches July 8 2009, 07:07:12 UTC
And there's really no way Hood can help laughing at that, surprised. "Ah, that's unfortunate." Then, after a moment: "Well, not for them, I suppose."

"It's good to see you, too," Hood admits, and it's true. There's something refreshingly honest about the young man, and he is very funny.

Hood's guiding their route closer to the center of the city, gradually enough that it might seem like random meandering. There has to be some kind of access besides the main entrance, if he can just find it.

"So, Bret," Hood begins. "I was wondering if you might help me with something."


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