What. [OPEN]

May 28, 2010 17:10

Who: Soosie and OPEN
What: Arrival
When: Friday evening
Where: The tree

Soosie, unfortunately, was one of those people who never likes to see herself naked. As in she would wrap the towel around her while she was in the shower so when she got out, she didn’t have to see any of that mess. She was flat chested and bony and generally nothing worth looking at so she avoided it.

She certainly didn’t intentionally get naked in public. Outside. Lying next to some weird-ass tree. If she’d been given a choice of places to suddenly find herself naked and disoriented, next to the weird-ass tree would not have been at the top of her list.

She wouldn’t have made a list at all.

So she was less than thrilled at the sudden realization that she hadn’t even been given the option of not making a decision. Not that she’d complain, exactly, but she’d certainly indulge in being embarrassed as hell. She might even cry a little, if someone saw her like this. Yeah. Yeah, she’d definitely cry.

It took a bit, but eventually she realized that curling up into a ball in the grass was doing her no good. In fact, it was just making her cramp up. Nobody was coming to see her in her shame. So maybe she should look around for some leaves for her private parts. Eve-style.

Or hey, there was a poncho. Ponchos worked. Ponchos more than worked.

As she shuffled into the blanket-turned-clothing, she corrected herself. Ponchos worked, but panties were still desired. She’d just have to make do.

“Um. Hello? Is-- is anyone there?”

soosie, cassandra of troy

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