It's my party and I'll cry if I want to

Apr 09, 2010 00:06

WHO: Anyone!
WHAT: Welcome back party
WHEN: Thursday evening
WHERE: Frolicking Stoat
Why was he holding her hand when he's supposed to be mine? )

bret mcclegnie, touya, gob bluth, cordy estwynde, cris gainfly

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Comments 68

weedyshyguy April 9 2010, 04:50:16 UTC
Bret was surprised at how happy he was to be home. And it wasn't just seeing everyone who'd stayed in the present again (as great as that was). It was just something about being where he was supposed to be. Jhelbor. The Stoat, his apartment with Jemaine and the (kind of angry) cats, even the stupid tree looking the way it was supposed to. He'd never thought he'd call Jhelbor home.

Then again, he'd said that about New York too.

He was sitting on his usual stool, drinking a glass of juice like normal. Things felt normal. He was glad they did. Beyond that, he wasn't hoping for much out of life just then. He hummed a pleasant tune, swaying his head slightly to the rhythm in his mind.


remove_alldoubt April 10 2010, 02:50:06 UTC
Gob was there, not because he wanted to be all that much, but sitting around being worried and upset was such a Michael thing to do. Especially if you were worrying loudly in the direction of your family members. Well, that wasn't Gob. He was going out and having a good time, dammit.

Except... He missed Bret. Why'd that jerk have to go and ditch him anyway? Nah, never mind... Screw him.

Wait a minute.

"Bret...? Bret!" Gob rushed forward and clapped his arms around his bro in a bear hug, patting his hands over Bret's back. It was him. "It is you! I didn't make you disappear!"


weedyshyguy April 10 2010, 03:32:17 UTC
Bret, for a moment, almost wondered if Jemaine had gotten drunk and therefore a little frisky, until he realized that even drunk-Jemaine was probably just too uptight to do the whole sneaky hug thing in public. Or in private. Or ever. Hugs were events, with Jemaine.

Gob, on the other hand-- "Gob!" Bret, exclaimed as soon as he recognized him, "Oh, man, no! You didn't. We went back in time."

Only a few months ago would something like that have come out with a sense of wonder, at the very least, if not complete disbelief. Now it was just kind of commonplace.

He smiled at Gob. "You okay? Everything normal"


remove_alldoubt April 10 2010, 04:03:34 UTC
"I sent you back in time? That's awesome!" Gob pulled away, grinning, though his hands still gripped Bret's shoulders. "I wish I knew what it was we did to bring you back. We were trying all kinds of stuff. Turned my chair into a pile of lemons." Or... lemon-like things.

"But oh man! The past, huh? What was that like?" Gob finally let go of Bret -- mostly, he kept arm around his shoulders -- and steered them both around to face the bar so he could order a drink.


creaoi_ang_cor April 10 2010, 02:56:14 UTC
Cris had a lot to be happy about. The time disturbances were over, spring had well and truly made its way to Jhelbor, and -- it seemed, at least -- everyone was where they were meant to be. It seemed this was a night to sit back and savor the rare moments of peace.

He looked down approvingly at the lei around his neck, then dropped it to pick up his mug of mead -- not his own. What sort of businessman would he be if he weren't knowledgeable about his competition?

He glanced over the crowd, greeting familiar faces with a smile.


ebony_musician April 10 2010, 03:05:40 UTC
Touya hadn't really come to the Stoat for anything more than to see some familiar faces in a familiar setting. And it seemed like a good place to find those people. After all, close to home was the best place to look. Being away from his now-familiar setting against his will was something he was more than a little happy to put behind him. So naturally when he spotted Cris, he shuffled right over and gave his sleeve a light tug.


creaoi_ang_cor April 10 2010, 03:47:40 UTC
Cris looked down and grinned -- "Hello!" -- and raised a hand in the air. "Catch." A small ball of flame appeared before his hand and flew toward Touya. Cris trusted him to catch it, but... just in case, he paid close attention. To banish the flame if Touya somehow missed.


ebony_musician April 10 2010, 05:01:40 UTC
Touya caught it easily enough, and looked quite pleased that he'd managed it too...not that the throw had been hard o long distance. But he was allowed to be a happy kid.

"Hi, Cris," he said, obviously in a much brighter mood than his usual just hanging around being curious one.


cordy_estwynde April 14 2010, 02:33:07 UTC
Cordelia leaned against the counter, fingers lightly drumming against the wooden surface. It was getting pretty late, and some of the patrons of the tavern were slowly beginning to dwindle out. She guesstimated that she could shut things down in an hour to an hour and a half.

Though she didn't usually drink on the job, things were getting slow enough now that she felt comfortable about pulling out a bottle of white wine and pouring herself a glass. She took a nice long whiff from the glass. Fragrant. Citrusy. Perfect ending to the night.


weedyshyguy April 14 2010, 02:40:20 UTC
Bret had had a good night. Good in the sense that it was still the same night and nobody had disappeared. Yep. It was good.

And seeing Cordy just made it better. He wandered over to the bar and settled onto a stool, smiling brightly. "Hey, Cordy. How's it going?"

It would probably be depressing to add, 'I thought I might never see you again.' It probably went without saying, really. Although he should probably say something. "It's good to see you again."


cordy_estwynde April 14 2010, 02:44:28 UTC
"Bret!" Cordelia said cheerfully as he sat down, and she offered him her brightest smile. "I'm so glad that you made it back to Jhelbor in one piece." She reached out and placed her hand over his, giving it an affectionate squeeze.

It was always good to see Bret, really. He was, after all, responsible for some of her fondest memories in Rowan. She didn't think that she'd ever forget the day that she'd first heard him perform a song. The night she'd danced with Lottie in the city square.

"I want to hear about everything that happened but first, let me get you a drink. What would you like? Juice? It's on the house."


weedyshyguy April 14 2010, 03:08:36 UTC
"Juice, yeah." Bret nodded gratefully and then went on, "Not much happened, really. People were doing something to the gate. Then they had a party because they did something. Then we came back. Oh, and it hurt a lot, going back and forth."

He stared at the bar for a moment, thinking. "Man, it was really pointless, wasn't it? The Gods must just hate us."


tenuefarfalla April 14 2010, 09:42:08 UTC
Cho came back out with another platter of finger food and set it on one end of the bar. Cordelia had really made a wonderful effort for this. Better ingredients meant better food, and Cho figured that if her boss was buying, the least she could do was donate some hours of labour. Also, it helped her to not think so much about the fact that Gabriel hadn't arrived. Of course, he could show up late. She couldn't say that he's failed to come to a party until the party was over. She didn't feel super confident, though.

Still, even if she wasn't going to get what she wanted, it was a lovely party. Cho sat down on a bar stool and allowed herself a couple of minutes to just be idle, picking up a little roasted vegetable kabob and nibbling while she watched people.


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