It's my party and I'll cry if I want to

Apr 09, 2010 00:06

WHO: Anyone!
WHAT: Welcome back party
WHEN: Thursday evening
WHERE: Frolicking Stoat
Why was he holding her hand when he's supposed to be mine? )

bret mcclegnie, touya, gob bluth, cordy estwynde, cris gainfly

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weedyshyguy April 9 2010, 04:50:16 UTC
Bret was surprised at how happy he was to be home. And it wasn't just seeing everyone who'd stayed in the present again (as great as that was). It was just something about being where he was supposed to be. Jhelbor. The Stoat, his apartment with Jemaine and the (kind of angry) cats, even the stupid tree looking the way it was supposed to. He'd never thought he'd call Jhelbor home.

Then again, he'd said that about New York too.

He was sitting on his usual stool, drinking a glass of juice like normal. Things felt normal. He was glad they did. Beyond that, he wasn't hoping for much out of life just then. He hummed a pleasant tune, swaying his head slightly to the rhythm in his mind.


remove_alldoubt April 10 2010, 02:50:06 UTC
Gob was there, not because he wanted to be all that much, but sitting around being worried and upset was such a Michael thing to do. Especially if you were worrying loudly in the direction of your family members. Well, that wasn't Gob. He was going out and having a good time, dammit.

Except... He missed Bret. Why'd that jerk have to go and ditch him anyway? Nah, never mind... Screw him.

Wait a minute.

"Bret...? Bret!" Gob rushed forward and clapped his arms around his bro in a bear hug, patting his hands over Bret's back. It was him. "It is you! I didn't make you disappear!"


weedyshyguy April 10 2010, 03:32:17 UTC
Bret, for a moment, almost wondered if Jemaine had gotten drunk and therefore a little frisky, until he realized that even drunk-Jemaine was probably just too uptight to do the whole sneaky hug thing in public. Or in private. Or ever. Hugs were events, with Jemaine.

Gob, on the other hand-- "Gob!" Bret, exclaimed as soon as he recognized him, "Oh, man, no! You didn't. We went back in time."

Only a few months ago would something like that have come out with a sense of wonder, at the very least, if not complete disbelief. Now it was just kind of commonplace.

He smiled at Gob. "You okay? Everything normal"


remove_alldoubt April 10 2010, 04:03:34 UTC
"I sent you back in time? That's awesome!" Gob pulled away, grinning, though his hands still gripped Bret's shoulders. "I wish I knew what it was we did to bring you back. We were trying all kinds of stuff. Turned my chair into a pile of lemons." Or... lemon-like things.

"But oh man! The past, huh? What was that like?" Gob finally let go of Bret -- mostly, he kept arm around his shoulders -- and steered them both around to face the bar so he could order a drink.


Sorry for not tagging last night >.< Got busy and the internet was just not on my side at all weedyshyguy April 10 2010, 20:41:09 UTC
Bret chewed his lip. He figured it'd be a solid blow to Gob's ego if he questioned his involvement, but has much as he'd wondered if it was his or their fault, somehow it seemed like too much. It wasn't people within a close distance, necessarily, and as far as he could tell there was no way to prove it was wizardry and not the gods' intervention. Given what Sam had been saying, it seemed more likely it was the gods ( ... )


Slowtagging happens. ^^ remove_alldoubt April 11 2010, 02:29:12 UTC
"Uh... Yeah. The guys were into it, y'know. Practice for focusing our efforts." Which, apparently, had paid off. Gob was still grinning away.

"So what'cha drinking there? Juice? There better be some vodka in that."


weedyshyguy April 11 2010, 02:55:54 UTC
Bret didn't like lying, but he liked alcohol even less. And there was no reason for Gob to buy him a drink he didn't want, either. "Yeah, a little." It was for the best.

He looked around the party, smiling at seeing so many worldwalkers in one place. It was nice to have this happen without there being a crisis or argument. He glanced back at Gob, a thought occurring. "Did anything weird happen while we were gone?"


remove_alldoubt April 11 2010, 03:12:59 UTC
Gob ordered a whiskey from Cordelia, winking, and tossing some coins her way. Not all of them landed on the bar top.

"Not really," he said, turning back to Bret with a wrinkle of his nose. "Except the lemons..." He settled on a stool, resting both forearms on the bar.


weedyshyguy April 11 2010, 03:59:41 UTC
Bret hummed thoughtfully. "So we just...popped back in time randomly." He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, maybe it was you. Or me. Or the group of us." Because really, what had any of that accomplished? It was about as useful as being able to embed a coin in a tabletop...

But maybe-- "When we went back, the people who lived here were doing something to the tree. Do you think that could've had something to do with it?"


remove_alldoubt April 12 2010, 02:49:46 UTC
"What, you think it was actually them?" Gob's smile took a turn toward disbelief. "So then what brought you back?"


weedyshyguy April 12 2010, 03:10:19 UTC
"Er." Oops. "Well, maybe they did something then and the wizards did something now and it...connected?"

Bret cleared his throat in an effort to dispel the awkwardness he'd summoned by thinking aloud. "As far as I know, they weren't doing anything when we went back. was probably you guys who did that." Maybe. There wasn't anything to prove it wasn't them.


remove_alldoubt April 12 2010, 04:30:09 UTC
"Yeah." Gob shrugged. He'd never really doubted that it had been him, anyway. Even though it had been a whole bunch of people who'd gone missing...

Eh, whatever. He (and the other wizards, yeah, them too) probably had something to do with it.

"Anyway, now that you're back we probably don't have to meet every day... Next week work for you?"


weedyshyguy April 12 2010, 04:46:13 UTC
"As long as I'm allowed to be in next week," Bret replied, managing to smile a little, "You never know anymore, man. We could skip a century without realizing. I hope not, but, you know."

He shifted awkwardly in his seat. "I'll try and be there." It occurred to him that if this was the gods, maybe joking around about the time shifting that dramatically would just prompt them to do it. He certainly hoped not.

"Other than trying to bring us back, did you guys do anything interesting while we were gone? Learn anything about the wizardry?" He supposed that was one upside to gathering them together. More test subjects.

And more catastrophic property damage, but experimenting was the only way to get them all to a point where they'd avoid doing that and instead do what they want.


remove_alldoubt April 13 2010, 00:09:21 UTC
"Aaah." That was a thoughtful-drawn-out sorta sound as well as a post-whiskey-swallowing sorta sound. "Well, we learned it's not always a good idea to try and turn animals into things. Y'know, instead of the other way around."


weedyshyguy April 13 2010, 00:40:29 UTC
Bret conjured up a few horrifying images before he visibly winced and asked, "What happened?" He wondered if maybe he didn't really want to know. But maybe he could think of something to keep whatever horrible thing it was from happening the next time they tried it.

Although there was also the question of why they were trying to turn animals into things in the first place. It rang of animal cruelty, really.


remove_alldoubt April 14 2010, 02:52:16 UTC
"Oh. Well. There was this rabbit? We were trying to turn it into money, but we ended up just, y'know, killing it. And there were the mice that all fused together and became an ear of corn. It was just kinda creepy."

After that quick and casual ramble, Gob took another drink. "I wouldn't eat that corn. Would you?"


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