Not as exiting a heading as the Fog, but the bay never disappoints. Twenty six years at sea, and in all that time I think I have had two calm crossings of the Bay of Biscay. Tonight is certainly not one of those nights
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Left the UK ( Dundee ) on the 7th Jan 2009 for a trip down to the Congo. At least we are stopping at Las Palmas before we get there. Should be in the Congo for a couple of weeks before moving down to Angola, and then over to Brazil until August. Rumours of being there for longer but I hope not as I can't stand long flights
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Seem to be spending more time in Esbjerg than at sea these days. Only in for crew change this time instead of getting hoses out of thrusters or repairing cranes! Not a bad run up the road though.
Ye Gods November already. Definitely haven't got the hang of this diary nonsense. Weather is good considering we are in the North Sea. Might even be able to land choppers on wednesday if it holds. Last trip before Christmas. Yippee!
Sitting 10m off the Southern Ninian platform doing diving work. Running round like a blue ar**d fly keeping the new systems working. Don't you just hate dry docks? Weather has been the wrong side of cr*p for the last couple of days, but the sun is out now.
It seems I haven't quite got the hang of this journal stuff. I was never any good at keeping a diary as a kid, and dragging me in to the electronic age hasn't helped either
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So much for sunny Brazil. Hasn't stopped raining for the last 24 hours. Half of Rio has been washed into the harbour by the look of the crap that is floating there. Don't believe the postcards, this place is a sh*thole
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Back out in Sunny Brazil after the 5 week break. Same old shit, with office cock ups by the day. Found out another two engineers off to work for Canyon ROV. Seems to be the job of the future. I like my cabin too much to want to change just yet, but the money does look good.
Time to dig through the crap in the garage and do a run to the tip I think. I need the space to get to the V8 which is sitting on the engine stand ready to be rebuilt. Every time I go away to sea, Kris takes the opportunity to dump more of the kids toys in there. :-(