Another fic...

May 11, 2011 00:43

I wanted to write at least one more for mmom (which still has an NSFW icon at that link, just so you know...)

Title: Contours
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Pairing: Kimahri/Rikku
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Kimahri is alone on Mt. Gagazet, but still feels the lure of the desert, and of skin. AU -- no FFX-2.
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 575
Warnings: Being that Kimahri is essentially a big blue kitty, I guess that would make this furry porn.

The snow is deep on Mt. Gagazet, and nothing matches the feel of the cold and the white field that surrounds the small homes. Inside are cooking fires and Ronso families singing ancient stories. This is Kimahri's place, and nothing will ever equal it for him. If he could bury himself in the snow and remain here forever he would. Except for one thing, or rather one person, and that is Rikku. For her he would visit the desert again, and bury himself in sand. Even now, so long after their journey, he often visits her just to remember and create new memories as well. And yet he has never touched her.

She has touched him -- a hand on his arm, once an awkward hug where she barely reached his chest. But each time he thinks of what he really wants -- the feel of her, the smoothness of a body without fur, he is only left wondering what is even possible between a Ronso and an Al Bhed.

At first he did not even admit to himself that he found her desirable. Beautiful, yes, just as Yuna was herself beautiful, and Lulu as well, but how could he want a woman who was not even a Ronso? But it began with her courage. She could face the worst of monsters and steal its treasure, and never back down. Even when defeated, she only forced herself to carry on, something he could not always even say about himself.

That fixed Rikku in his thoughts and there she stayed, and gradually he grew to appreciate smooth skin rather than tough fur, the planes and contours of an Al Bhed's form rather than the muscles of a Ronso. Yet he has only heard of Ronso loving outside their own in bad jokes. He isn't even certain that he could touch Rikku intimately without hurting her, so he has never dared. But he cannot stop his thoughts. Kimahri has never been a daydreamer, but when he cannot have reality he will settle for fantasy.

Fortunately Rikku has never been delicate, so it isn't as hard as it could be to picture her eagerly welcoming his touch. And in his mind he touches all of her -- her strangely lovely face, her strong arms, her slim legs, and all the places where he has heard Al Bhed women also have a bit of fur. Rikku laughs, moans, encourages him, and he does not even have to speak in his halting Spiran.

Kimahri is hard now, and with a small snarl he reaches to touch himself. Some say this activity weakens a warrior, but even warriors give in sometimes. He runs the soft pads of his fingers over his downy shaft, picturing Rikku's hands there, with her smiling into his eyes. They twine together in the desert sands where they first met, caressing with no fears and no limits. Kimahri's tail snakes around his waist to join his hands in pleasuring himself. He rubs the soft fur of his tail's tip over his glans as his fingers ripple.

Finally he pictures being inside Rikku, feeling the soft flesh he has only imagined. That brings him to climax every time, and he lets himself release. If this weakens him, he will take that chance.

And tomorrow he will start a journey to Rikku's home. This time perhaps he will touch her hair, at least, and give himself a new fantasy.
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